33 CFR § 165.1190 - Security Zone; San Francisco Bay, Oakland Estuary, Alameda, CA.
(a) Locations. The following areas are security zones:
(1) Coast Guard Island. All waters of the Oakland Estuary, from surface to bottom, encompassed by a line connecting the following points beginning at 37°46′42.5″ N, 122°14′51.4″ W; thence to 37°46′46.6″ N, 122°14′59.7″ W; thence to 37°46′51.8″ N, 122°15′7.4″ W; thence to 37°46′56.3″ N, 122°15′12.1″ W; thence to 37°47′2.2″ N, 122°15′16.4″ W; thence to 37°47′8″ N, 122°15′16.6″ W; thence to 37°47′10″ N, 122°15′12.8″ W; thence to 37°47′10.1″ N, 122°15′5.7″ W; thence to 37°47′7.8″ N, 122°15′0.1″ W; thence to 37°47′5.2″ N, 122°14′53.7″ W; thence to 37°47′2.1″ N, 122°14′49.5″ W; thence to 37°46′58.9″ N, 122°14′46.2″ W; thence to 37°46′57.1″ N, 122°14′44.6″ W; thence to 37°46′52.9″ N, 122°14′42.6″ W; thence to 37°46′50.2″ N, 122°14′42.9″ W; thence to 37°46′47.9″ N, 122°14′43.6″ W; thence to 37°46′42.3″ N, 122°14′44.1″ W; and back to the beginning point. These coordinates are based on North American Datum (NAD) 83.
(2) Coast Guard Island Causeway. All waters of the Oakland Estuary, from surface to bottom, 50 yards on either side of a line beginning at 37°46′48.1″ N, 122°14′45.8″ W; thence to 37°46′46.1″ N, 122°14′41.5″ W; thence to 37°46′45.4″ N, 122°14′36.6″ W. These coordinates are based on NAD 83.
(b) Regulations.
(1) Under the general security zone regulations in subpart D of this part, you may not enter the security zone described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section unless authorized by the Captain of the Port (COTP). The security zone described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is closed to all vessel traffic, except as may be permitted by the COTP. To seek permission to enter the security zone in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, contact the COTP by VHF Marine Radio channel 16 or through the 24-hour Command Center at telephone (415) 399-3547. Those in the security zone must comply with all lawful orders or directions given to them by the COTP.
(2) Under the general security zone regulations in subpart D of this part, you may not loiter in the security zone described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section unless authorized by the COTP. Vessels must make a direct passage through the security zone described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(c) Enforcement. The Captain of the Port will enforce this security zone and may be assisted in the patrol and enforcement of this security zone by any Federal, State, county, municipal, or private agency.