36 CFR Part 903 - PART 903—PRIVACY ACT
- § 903.1 Purpose and scope.
- § 903.2 Definitions.
- § 903.3 Procedures for notification of records pertaining to individuals.
- § 903.4 Requests for access to records.
- § 903.5 Response to request for access.
- § 903.6 Appeal of initial denial of access.
- § 903.7 Requests for amendment of record.
- § 903.8 Review of request for amendment of record.
- § 903.9 Appeal of initial adverse determination of request for amendment of record.
- § 903.10 Disclosure of records to persons or agencies.
- § 903.11 Routine uses of records maintained in the system of records.
- § 903.12 Fees for furnishing and reproducing records.
- § 903.13 Penalties.
42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977, unless otherwise noted.