38 CFR § 36.4803 - General requirements of the COVID-19 Veterans Assistance Partial Claim Payment program.

§ 36.4803 General requirements of the COVID-19 Veterans Assistance Partial Claim Payment program.

The following general requirements must be met before the Secretary will allow for participation in the COVID-19 Veterans Assistance Partial Claim Payment program:

(a) The loan for which a partial claim payment is requested must be a guaranteed loan that was either—

(1) Current or less than 30 days past due on March 1, 2020; or

(2) Made on or after March 1, 2020;

(b) The veteran on whose behalf VA will pay a partial claim payment both received a COVID-19 forbearance and missed at least one scheduled monthly payment;

(c) There remains unpaid at least one scheduled monthly payment that the veteran did not make while under a COVID-19 forbearance;

(d) The veteran indicates that the veteran can resume making scheduled monthly payments, on time and in full, and that the veteran occupies, as the veteran's residence, the property securing the guaranteed loan for which the partial claim payment is requested; and

(e) The veteran executes, in a timely manner, all loan documents necessary to establish an obligation to repay the Secretary for the partial claim payment.

(The Office of Management and Budget has approved the information collection requirements in this section under control number 2900-0889)
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 3703(c), 3720, 3732)
[86 FR 28708, May 28, 2021, as amended at 86 FR 46983, Aug. 23, 2021]