39 CFR § 3060.43 - Annual transfer from competitive products fund to Postal Service fund.

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§ 3060.43 Annual transfer from competitive products fund to Postal Service fund.

(a) The Postal Service must on an annual basis transfer the assumed Federal income tax due on competitive products income from the Competitive Products Fund to the Postal Service Fund.

(b) If the assumed taxable income from competitive products for a given fiscal year is positive, the assumed Federal income tax due, calculated pursuant to § 3060.40, shall be transferred to the Postal Service Fund no later than the January 15 following the close of the relevant fiscal year.

(c) If assumed taxable income from competitive products for a given fiscal year is negative, and:

(1) A payment was made to the Postal Service Fund for the previous tax year, a transfer equaling the lesser of the amount paid into the Postal Service Fund for the past 2 tax years or the amount of the hypothetical tax on the loss shall be made from the Postal Service Fund to the Competitive Products Fund no later than the January 15 following the close of the relevant fiscal year; or

(2) No payment has been made into the Postal Service Fund for the previous 2 tax years, the loss may be carried forward and offset against any calculated assumed Federal taxable income on competitive products income for 20 years.

[73 FR 79261, Dec. 24, 2008, as amended at 84 FR 31738, July 3, 2019]