39 CFR § 320.9 - Revocation or amendment of suspensions.
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§ 320.9 Revocation or amendment of suspensions.
These suspensions may be revoked or amended in accordance with § 310.7. No revocation of the suspension provided in § 320.2 will curtail operations of particular carriers existing at the time of the revocation to a level of operations (in dollar or volume terms, whichever is larger) lower than that antedating the revocation in a particular market served prior to the revocation. Should the suspension referred to in § 320.2 be revoked, carriers, as a condition to continuing operations under this section, will be required to provide reasonably complete and accurate data to support estimates of past operating levels in particular markets.
[44 FR 52835, Sept. 11, 1979. Redesignated at 44 FR 61181, Oct. 24, 1979]