40 CFR § 1.43 - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.
The Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), serves as the principal adviser to the Administrator in matters pertaining to assessment and regulation of pesticides and toxic substances and is responsible for managing the Agency's pesticides and toxic substances programs under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA); the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA); the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA); and portions of several other statutes. The Assistant Administrator has responsibility for establishing Agency strategies for implementation and integration of the pesticides and the toxic substances programs under applicable Federal statutes; developing and operating Agency programs and policies for assessment and control of pesticides and toxic substances; developing recommendations for Agency priorities for research, monitoring, regulatory, and information-gathering activities relating to pesticides and toxic substances; developing scientific, technical, economic, and social databases for the conduct of hazard assessments and evaluations in support of toxic substances and pesticides activities; providing toxic substances and pesticides program guidance to EPA Regional Offices and monitoring, evaluating, and assessing pesticides and toxic substances program operations in EPA Headquarters and Regional Offices.
(a) Office of Pesticide Programs. The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), under the management of a Director and Deputy Director are responsible to the Assistant Administrator for leadership of the overall pesticide activities of the Agency under the authority of FIFRA, FFDCA, and portions of several other statutes. Responsibilities include the development of strategic plans for the control of the national environmental pesticide situation. Such plans are implemented by OPP, other EPA components, other Federal agencies, or by State, local, and private sectors. OPP is also responsible for establishment of tolerance levels for pesticide residues which occur in or on food; registration and reregistration of pesticides; special review of pesticides suspected of posing unreasonable risks to human health or the environment; monitoring of pesticide residue levels in food, humans, and non-target fish and wildlife; preparation of pesticide registration guidelines; development of standards for the registration and reregistration of pesticide products; provision of program policy direction to technical and manpower training activities in the pesticides area; development of research needs and monitoring requirements for the pesticide program and related areas; review of impact statements dealing with pesticides; providing operational guidance to EPA Regional Offices; and carrying out of assigned international activities.
(b) Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), under the management of a Director and Deputy Director is responsible to the Assistant Administrator for those activities of the Agency mandated by TSCA, PPA, and portions of several other statutes. The Director is responsible for developing and operating Agency programs and policies for new and existing chemicals. In each of these areas, the Director is responsible for information collection and coordination; data development; health, environmental, and economic assessment; and negotiated or regulatory control actions. The Director provides operational guidance to EPA Regional Offices, reviews and evaluates toxic substances activities at EPA Headquarters and Regional Offices; coordinates TSCA activities with other EPA offices and Federal and State agencies, and conducts the export notification required by TSCA and provides information to importers. The Director is responsible for developing policies and procedures for the coordination and integration of Agency and Federal activities concerning toxic substances. The Director is also responsible for coordinating communication with the industrial community, environmental groups, and other interested parties on matters relating to the implementation of TSCA; providing technical support to international activities managed by the Office of International Activities; and managing the joint planning of toxic research and development under the auspices of the Pesticides/Toxic Substances Research Committee.
(c) Office of Science Coordination and Policy. The Office of Science Coordination and Policy (OSCP) provides coordination, leadership, peer review, and synthesis of science and science policy within OCSPP. OSCP provides guidance to assure sound scientific decisions are made regarding safe pesticide and chemical management through the leadership of the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP). OSCP also coordinates emerging exposure and hazard assessment topics such as endocrine disruptors and biotechnology.