40 CFR § 1036.610 - Off-cycle technology credits and adjustments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
(a) You may ask us to apply the provisions of this section for CO2 emission reductions resulting from powertrain technologies that were not in common use with heavy-duty vehicles before model year 2010 that are not reflected in the specified procedure. While you are not required to prove that such technologies were not in common use with heavy-duty vehicles before model year 2010, we will not approve your request if we determine that they do not qualify. We will apply these provisions only for technologies that will result in a measurable, demonstrable, and verifiable real-world CO2 reduction. Note that prior to model year 2016, these technologies were referred to as “innovative technologies”.
(b) The provisions of this section may be applied as either an improvement factor (used to adjust emission results) or as a separate credit, consistent with good engineering judgment. Note that the term “credit” in this section describes an additive adjustment to emission rates and is not equivalent to an emission credit in the ABT program of subpart H of this part. We recommend that you base your credit/adjustment on A to B testing of pairs of engines/ vehicles differing only with respect to the technology in question.
(1) Calculate improvement factors as the ratio of in-use emissions with the technology divided by the in-use emissions without the technology. Adjust the emission results by multiplying by the improvement factor. Use the improvement-factor approach where good engineering judgment indicates that the actual benefit will be proportional to emissions measured over the procedures specified in this part. For example, the benefits from technologies that reduce engine operation would generally be proportional to the engine's emission rate.
(2) Calculate separate credits based on the difference between the in-use emission rate (g/ton-mile) with the technology and the in-use emission rate without the technology. Subtract this value from your measured emission result and use this adjusted value to determine your FEL. We may also allow you to calculate the credits based on g/hp·hr emission rates. Use the separate-credit approach where good engineering judgment indicates that the actual benefit will not be proportional to emissions measured over the procedures specified in this part.
(3) We may require you to discount or otherwise adjust your improvement factor or credit to account for uncertainty or other relevant factors.
(c) Send your request to the Designated Compliance Officer. We recommend that you do not begin collecting data (for submission to EPA) before contacting us. For technologies for which the vehicle manufacturer could also claim credits (such as transmissions in certain circumstances), we may require you to include a letter from the vehicle manufacturer stating that it will not seek credits for the same technology. Your request must contain the following items:
(1) A detailed description of the off-cycle technology and how it functions to reduce CO2 emissions under conditions not represented on the duty cycles required for certification.
(2) A list of the engine configurations that will be equipped with the technology.
(3) A detailed description and justification of the selected engines.
(4) All testing and simulation data required under this section, plus any other data you have considered in your analysis. You may ask for our preliminary approval of your plan under § 1036.210.
(5) A complete description of the methodology used to estimate the off-cycle benefit of the technology and all supporting data, including engine testing and in-use activity data. Also include a statement regarding your recommendation for applying the provisions of this section for the given technology as an improvement factor or a credit.
(6) An estimate of the off-cycle benefit by engine model, and the fleetwide benefit based on projected sales of engine models equipped with the technology.
(7) A demonstration of the in-use durability of the off-cycle technology, based on any available engineering analysis or durability testing data (either by testing components or whole engines).
(d) We may seek public comment on your request, consistent with the provisions of 40 CFR 86.1869-12(d). However, we will generally not seek public comment on credits/adjustments based on A to B engine dynamometer testing, chassis testing, or in-use testing.
(e) We may approve an improvement factor or credit for any configuration that is properly represented by your testing.
(1) For model years before 2021, you may continue to use an approved improvement factor or credit for any appropriate engine families in future model years through 2020.
(2) For model years 2021 and later, you may not rely on an approval for model years before 2021. You must separately request our approval before applying an improvement factor or credit under this section for 2021 and later engines, even if we approved an improvement factor or credit for similar engine models before model year 2021. Note that approvals for model year 2021 and later may carry over for multiple years.