40 CFR § 1065.330 - Exhaust-flow calibration.
(a) Calibrate exhaust-flow meters upon initial installation. Follow the instrument manufacturer's instructions and use good engineering judgment to repeat the calibration. We recommend that you use a calibration subsonic venturi or ultrasonic flow meter and simulate exhaust temperatures by incorporating a heat exchanger between the calibration meter and the exhaust-flow meter. If you can demonstrate that the flow meter to be calibrated is insensitive to exhaust temperatures, you may use other reference meters such as laminar flow elements, which are not commonly designed to withstand typical raw exhaust temperatures. We recommend using calibration reference quantities that are NIST-traceable within ±0.5% uncertainty.
(b) You may remove system components for off-site calibration. When installing a flow meter with an off-site calibration, we recommend that you consider the effects of the tubing configuration upstream and downstream of the flow meter. We recommend specifying calibration reference quantities that are NIST-traceable within ±0.5% uncertainty.
(c) If you use a subsonic venturi or ultrasonic flow meter for raw exhaust flow measurement, we recommend that you calibrate it as described in § 1065.340.