40 CFR § 1090.915 - Batch reporting for oxygenate producers and importers.

§ 1090.915 Batch reporting for oxygenate producers and importers.

An oxygenate producer, for each of their production facilities, or an importer for the oxygenate they import, must submit a report for each compliance period that includes all the following information:

(a) The EPA-issued company and facility identifiers.

(b) The total volume of oxygenate produced or imported.

(c) For each batch of oxygenate produced or imported during the compliance period, all the following:

(1) The batch number.

(2) The date the batch was produced or imported.

(3) One of the following product types:

(i) Denatured ethanol using certified ethanol denaturant complying with § 1090.275.

(ii) Denatured ethanol from non-certified ethanol denaturant.

(iii) A specified oxygenate other than ethanol (e.g., isobutanol).

(4) The volume of the batch, in gallons.

(5) The tested sulfur content of the batch, in ppm, and the test method used to measure the sulfur content.

(d) Any other information as EPA may require in order to administer reporting systems.