40 CFR § 127.2 - Definitions.
(a) The definitions in 40 CFR parts 122, 123, 124, 125, 403, 501 and 503 apply to all subparts of this part.
(b) Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities (initial recipient) means the entity (EPA or the state, tribe, or territory authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data. Section 127.27 outlines the process for designating the initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities. EPA must become the initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities if the state, tribe, or territory does not collect the data required in appendix A to this part and does not consistently maintain timely, accurate, complete, and consistent data transfers in compliance with this part and 40 CFR part 3. Timely means that the authorized state, tribe, or territory submits these data transfers (see the data elements in appendix A to this part) to EPA within 40 days of when the authorized program completed the activity or received a report submitted by a regulated entity. For example, the data regarding a state inspection of an NPDES-regulated entity that is finalized by the state on October 5th must be electronically transferred to EPA no later than November 14th of that same year (e.g., 40 days after October 5th).
(c) NPDES data group means the group of related data elements identified in Table 1 in appendix A to this part. These NPDES data groups have similar regulatory reporting requirements and have similar data sources.
(d) NPDES program means the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Clean Water Act section 402); the Federal Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) Program (Clean Water Act section 405); and the Federal Pretreatment Program (Clean Water Act section 307(b); 40 CFR part 403). EPA can implement the NPDES program or authorize states, tribes, and territories to implement the NPDES program (“authorized NPDES program”). Identifying the relevant authority must be done for each NPDES subprogram (e.g., NPDES core program, federal facilities, general permits, pretreatment, and sewage sludge/biosolids).
(e) Minimum set of NPDES data means the data and information listed in appendix A to this part.
(f) Program reports means the information reported by NPDES-regulated entities and listed in Table 1 of appendix A to this part (except NPDES Data Groups 1, 2, and 3).
(g) Hybrid approach is a method that the initial recipient [as defined in paragraph (b) of this section] may elect to use for construction stormwater general permit reports [Notices of Intent to discharge (NOIs); Notices of Termination (NOTs); No Exposure Certifications (NOEs); Low Erosivity Waivers (LEWs)] [40 CFR 122.26(b)(15), 122.28 and 122.64] in order to demonstrate compliance with this part. This alternative compliance method allows the initial recipient (the authorized state, tribe, territory or EPA) to use a non-CROMERR electronic submission along with a uniquely matched paper submission, to reflect conditions at construction sites. Specifically, this approach allows the initial recipient to use data capture technologies to collect construction stormwater general permit reports. For example, under this approach the initial recipient may allow construction operators to complete an electronic construction stormwater general permit report, which simultaneously produces a paper copy of the report and electronically transmits a copy of the data from the report to the authorized NPDES program. Under this approach the construction operator must sign and date the paper copy of the construction stormwater general permit report with a “wet-ink” signature and this paper document will be the copy of record. Under this approach the initial recipient must have the ability to definitively and uniquely link the signed and dated paper document with the electronic submission from the facility or entity (e.g., use of a unique code or mark on the signed and dated paper document that is also embedded in the electronic submission). Under this approach the initial recipient may also use automated data capture technologies (e.g., Optical Character Recognition), which allow construction operators to submit their general permit reports to the initial recipient on paper with a “wet-ink” signature and date in a structured format that allows for easy data importation into the initial recipient's NPDES data system.
(h) NPDES-regulated entity means any entity regulated by the NPDES program.