40 CFR § 49.135 - Rule for emissions detrimental to public health or welfare.
(a) What is the purpose of this section? This section is intended to prevent the emission of air pollutants from any air pollution source operating within the Indian reservation from being detrimental to public health or welfare.
(b) Who is affected by this section? This section applies to any person who owns or operates an air pollution source.
(c) What are the requirements for air pollution sources? (1) A person must not cause or allow the emission of any air pollutants from an air pollution source, in sufficient quantities and of such characteristic and duration, that the Regional Administrator determines:
(i) Causes or contributes to a violation of any national ambient air quality standard; or
(ii) Is presenting an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health or welfare, or the environment.
(2) If the Regional Administrator makes either of the determinations in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, then the Regional Administrator may require the owner or operator of the source to install air pollution controls and/or to take reasonable precautions to reduce or prevent the emissions. If the Regional Administrator determines that the installation of air pollution controls and/or reasonable precautions are necessary, then the Regional Administrator will require the owner or operator to obtain a permit to construct or permit to operate for the source. The specific requirements will be established in the required permit to construct or permit to operate.
(3) Nothing in this section affects the ability of the Regional Administrator to issue an order pursuant to section 303 of the Act to require an owner or operator to immediately reduce or cease the emission of air pollutants.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair any cause of action or legal remedy of any person, or the public, for injury or damages arising from the emission of any air pollutant in such place, manner, or amount as to constitute a common law nuisance.
(d) What does someone subject to this section need to do? A person subject to this section must comply with the terms and conditions of any permit to construct, permit to operate, or order issued by the Regional Administrator.
(e) Definitions of terms used in this section. The following terms that are used in this section are defined in § 49.123 General provisions: Air pollutant, air pollution source, ambient air, emission, owner or operator, permit to construct, permit to operate, Regional Administrator, source, and stationary source.