40 CFR § 52.1163 - Additional control measures for East Boston.

§ 52.1163 Additional control measures for East Boston.

(a) On or before December 31, 1975, the Governor, the Mayor of the City of Boston, the Chairman of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the Chairman of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and the Chairman of the Massachusetts Port Authority (“Massport”) shall each submit to the Regional Administrator a study or studies of various alternative strategies to minimize the number of vehicle trips to and from Logan International Airport (“Logan Airport”) and to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in the vicinity of the Callahan and Sumner Tunnels to a level consistent with the national primary ambient air quality standards. These studies may be combined into one or more joint studies. These studies shall contain recommendations for control measures to be implemented prior to May 31, 1977. Measures to be studied shall include but need not be limited to, the following:

(1) Incentives and programs for reductions in the use of single-passenger vehicles through the Callahan and Sumner Tunnels;

(2) Alterations in traffic patterns in the tunnel area;

(3) Use of exclusive lanes for buses, carpools, taxis and limousines during peak travel hours;

(4) Reduction of parking spaces at Logan Airport and increased parking charges at remaining spaces;

(5) Construction of satellite terminal facilities for Logan Airport;

(6) Use of alternate modes of transportation for trips to and from Logan Airport, and establishment of facilities at Logan Airport to accommodate such modes;

(7) Improved transit service between the Blue Line subway stop and airline terminals at Logan Airport; and

(8) Any other measures which would be likely to contribute to achieving the required reductions.

(b) Massport shall monitor the number of vehicles entering and leaving Logan Airport so as to provide the Secretary of Transportation for the Commonwealth (the “Secretary”) with reports on a semi-annual basis, beginning on January 30, 1976, showing total vehicle trips per day for the six-month period ending on the previous December 31 or June 30, presented and tabulated in a manner prescribed by the Secretary.

(c) Massport shall, on or before June 30, 1976, prepare and submit to the Secretary draft legislation which, if enacted into law, would alleviate local licensing problems of bus and limousine companies in order to facilitate increased and improved bus and limousine service for travelers using Logan Airport.

(d) Massport shall negotiate with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to increase the convenience of the mass transit services currently available to travelers to Logan Airport.

(e) Massport shall, on or before June 30, 1976, establish and maintain a program (which shall include the enclosure of this information in tickets or folders mailed by airlines using Logan Airport) to publicize the advantages in costs and convenience of the use of mass transit or other available transportation services by travelers using the airport, and making known to such persons the schedules, routes, connections, and other information necessary for them to conveniently use mass transit and such other services.

(f) Massport shall, on or before October 15, 1975, establish a carpool program at Logan Airport, which shall include the elements specified in paragraphs (b)(7) (A) through (C) of § 52.1161. For the purpose of applying the requirements of § 52.1161 to the present paragraph:

(1) The definitions in § 52.1161 shall apply;

(2) Each employer with any employment facility at Logan Airport shall cooperate with Massport in the development and implementation of the program;

(3) Any such employer (including Massport) may fulfill its obligations under paragraph (b)(7) of § 52.1161 by fully cooperating with and participating in the Logan Airport carpool program (including bearing its proportional share of the program's cost); and

(g) Massport shall, on or before October 15, 1975, implement a program of systematic dissemination to employers and employees at Logan Airport of information regarding the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority pass program, bus and train schedules and rates, park-and-ride facilities, and other transportation programs and services available to employees at Logan Airport.

(h) Massport shall, on or before January 1, 1976, implement and maintain a program to allow all employees at Logan Airport, regardless of the size of the particular employment facility at which they work, to participate in any available pass program made available by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, including the use of Massport as a central clearinghouse for the purpose of aggregating employees and for fiscal management of such pass program.

[40 FR 25169, June 12, 1975]