40 CFR § 62.5100 - Identification of plan.
(a) Identification of plan. Maryland Plan for Control Designated Pollutants from Existing Facilities (Section 111(d) plan).
(b) The plan was officially submitted as follows:
(1) Control of sulfuric acid mist from sulfuric acid plants, submitted by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, State of Maryland on August 30, 1978.
(2) Control of TRS emissions from kraft pulp mills, submitted by the Governor of Maryland on May 18, 1981, and approval of a compliance schedule, submitted by the State of Maryland on September 24, 1982.
(3) Control of fluoride emissions from primary aluminum reduction plants, submitted by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, State of Maryland on January 26, 1984.
(c) Designated facilities. The plan applies to existing facilities in the following categories of sources:
(1) Sulfuric acid plants;
(2) Kraft pulp mills.
(3) Primary aluminum reduction plants.
(d) Submittal of plan revisions—On April 2, 1992, Maryland submitted revisions to COMAR and .05B. governing the testing, monitoring, and reporting of total reduced sulfur (TRS) emissions from kraft pulp mills.