40 CFR § 63.1021 - Alternative means of emission limitation.
(a) Performance standard exemption. The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section do not apply to the performance standards of § 63.1030(b) for pressure relief devices or § 63.1031(f) for compressors operating under the alternative compressor standard.
(b) Requests by owners or operators. An owner or operator may request a determination of alternative means of emission limitation to the requirements of §§ 63.1025 through 63.1034 as provided in paragraph (d) of this section. If the Administrator makes a determination that a means of emission limitation is a permissible alternative, the owner or operator shall either comply with the alternative or comply with the requirements of §§ 63.1025 through 63.1034.
(c) Requests by manufacturers of equipment.
(1) Manufacturers of equipment used to control equipment leaks of the regulated material may apply to the Administrator for permission for an alternative means of emission limitation that achieves a reduction in emissions of the regulated material achieved by the equipment, design, and operational requirements of this subpart.
(2) The Administrator will grant permission according to the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section.
(d) Permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation. Permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation shall be governed by the procedures in paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(4) of this section.
(1) Where the standard is an equipment, design, or operational requirement, the requirements of paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(iii) of this section apply.
(i) Each owner or operator applying for permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation shall be responsible for collecting and verifying emission performance test data for an alternative means of emission limitation.
(ii) The Administrator will compare test data for the means of emission limitation to test data for the equipment, design, and operational requirements.
(iii) The Administrator may condition the permission on requirements that may be necessary to ensure operation and maintenance to achieve at least the same emission reduction as the equipment, design, and operational requirements of this subpart.
(2) Where the standard is a work practice, the requirements of paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (d)(2)(vi) of this section apply.
(i) Each owner or operator applying for permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation shall be responsible for collecting and verifying test data for the alternative.
(ii) For each kind of equipment for which permission is requested, the emission reduction achieved by the required work practices shall be demonstrated for a minimum period of 12 months.
(iii) For each kind of equipment for which permission is requested, the emission reduction achieved by the alternative means of emission limitation shall be demonstrated.
(iv) Each owner or operator applying for such permission shall commit, in writing, for each kind of equipment to work practices that provide for emission reductions equal to or greater than the emission reductions achieved by the required work practices.
(v) The Administrator will compare the demonstrated emission reduction for the alternative means of emission limitation to the demonstrated emission reduction for the required work practices and will consider the commitment in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section.
(vi) The Administrator may condition the permission on requirements that may be necessary to ensure operation and maintenance to achieve the same or greater emission reduction as the required work practices of this subpart.
(3) An owner or operator may offer a unique approach to demonstrate the alternative means of emission limitation.
(4) If, in the judgement of the Administrator, an alternative means of emission limitation will be approved, the Administrator will publish a notice of the determination in the Federal Register using the procedures specified in the referencing subpart.