40 CFR § 63.10690 - What parts of the General Provisions apply to this subpart?

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§ 63.10690 What parts of the General Provisions apply to this subpart?

(a) You must comply with the requirements of the NESHAP General Provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) as provided in Table 1 of this subpart.

(b) The notification of compliance status required by § 63.9(h) must include each applicable certification of compliance, signed by a responsible official, in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section.

(1) For the pollution prevention plan requirements in § 63.10685(a)(1): “This facility has submitted a pollution prevention plan for metallic scrap selection and inspection in accordance with § 63.10685(a)(1)”;

(2) For the restrictions on metallic scrap in § 63.10685(a)(2): “This facility complies with the requirements for restricted metallic scrap in accordance with § 63.10685(a)(2)”;

(3) For the mercury requirements in § 63.10685(b):

(i) “This facility has prepared a site-specific plan for mercury switches in accordance with § 63.10685(b)(1)”;

(ii) “This facility participates in and purchases motor vehicle scrap only from scrap providers who participate in a program for removal of mercury switches that has been approved by the EPA Administrator in accordance with § 63.10685(b)(2)” and has prepared a plan demonstrating how the facility participates in the EPA-approved program in accordance with § 63.10685(b)(2)(iv);

(iii) “The only materials from motor vehicles in the scrap charged to an electric arc furnace at this facility are materials recovered for their specialty alloy content in accordance with § 63.10685(b)(3) which are not reasonably expected to contain mercury switches”; or

(iv) “This facility complies with the requirements for scrap that does not contain motor vehicle scrap in accordance with § 63.10685(b)(4).”

(4) This certification of compliance for the capture system requirements in § 63.10686(a), signed by a responsible official: “This facility operates a capture system for each electric arc furnace and argon-oxygen decarburization vessel that conveys the collected emissions to a PM control device in accordance with § 63.10686(a)”.

(5) If applicable, this certification of compliance for the performance test requirements in § 63.10686(d)(6): “This facility certifies initial compliance with the applicable emissions limit in § 63.10686(a) or (b) based on the results of a previous performance test in accordance with § 63.10686(d)(6)”.

(6) This certification of compliance for the monitoring requirements in § 63.10686(e), signed by a responsible official: “This facility has developed and submitted proposed monitoring information in accordance with 40 CFR part 64”.