40 CFR § 63.2860 - What notifications must I submit and when?

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§ 63.2860 What notifications must I submit and when?

You must submit the one-time notifications listed in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section to the responsible agency:

(a) Initial notification for existing sources. For an existing source, submit an initial notification to the agency responsible for these NESHAP no later than 120 days after the effective date of this subpart, or no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart, whichever is later. In the notification, include the items in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this section:

(1) The name and address of the owner or operator.

(2) The physical address of the vegetable oil production process.

(3) Identification of the relevant standard, such as the vegetable oil production NESHAP, and compliance date.

(4) A brief description of the source including the types of listed oilseeds processed, nominal operating capacity, and type of desolventizer(s) used.

(5) A statement designating the source as a major source of HAP or a demonstration that the source meets the definition of an area source. An area source is a source that is not a major source and is not collocated within a plant site with other sources that are individually or collectively a major source.

(b) Initial notifications for new and reconstructed sources. New or reconstructed sources must submit a series of notifications before, during, and after source construction per the schedule listed in § 63.9. The information requirements for the notifications are the same as those listed in the General Provisions with the exceptions listed in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section:

(1) The application for approval of construction does not require the specific HAP emission data required in § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H) and (iii), (d)(2) and (d)(3)(ii). The application for approval of construction would include, instead, a brief description of the source including the types of listed oilseeds processed, nominal operating capacity, and type of desolventizer(s) used.

(2) The notification of actual startup date must also include whether you have elected to operate under an initial startup period subject to § 63.2850(c)(2) and provide an estimate and justification for the anticipated duration of the initial startup period.

(c) Significant modification notifications. Any existing or new source that plans to undergo a significant modification as defined in § 63.2872 must submit two reports as described in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section:

(1) Initial notification. You must submit an initial notification to the agency responsible for these NESHAP 30 days prior to initial startup of the significantly modified source. The initial notification must demonstrate that the proposed changes qualify as a significant modification. The initial notification must include the items in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section:

(i) The expected startup date of the modified source.

(ii) A description of the significant modification including a list of the equipment that will be replaced or modified. If the significant modification involves changes other than adding or replacing extractors, desolventizer-toasters (conventional and specialty), and meal dryer-coolers, then you must also include the fixed capital cost of the new components, expressed as a percentage of the fixed capital cost to build a comparable new vegetable oil production process; supporting documentation for the cost estimate; and documentation that the proposed changes will significantly affect solvent losses.

(2) Notification of actual startup. You must submit a notification of actual startup date within 15 days after initial startup of the modified source. The notification must include the items in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section:

(i) The initial startup date of the modified source.

(ii) An indication whether you have elected to operate under an initial startup period subject to § 63.2850(d)(2).

(iii) The anticipated duration of any initial startup period.

(iv) A justification for the anticipated duration of any initial startup period.

(d) Notification of compliance status. As an existing, new, or reconstructed source, you must submit a notification of compliance status report to the responsible agency no later than 60 days after determining your initial 12 operating months compliance ratio. If you are an existing source, you generally must submit this notification no later than 50 calendar months after the effective date of these NESHAP (36 calendar months for compliance, 12 operating months to record data, and 2 calendar months to complete the report). If you are a new or reconstructed source, the notification of compliance status is generally due no later than 20 calendar months after initial startup (6 calendar months for the initial startup period, 12 operating months to record data, and 2 calendar months to complete the report). The notification of compliance status must contain the items in paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of this section:

(1) The name and address of the owner or operator.

(2) The physical address of the vegetable oil production process.

(3) Each listed oilseed type processed during the previous 12 operating months.

(4) Each HAP identified under § 63.2854(a) as being present in concentrations greater than 1 percent by volume in each delivery of solvent received during the 12 operating months period used for the initial compliance determination.

(5) A statement designating the source as a major source of HAP or a demonstration that the source qualifies as an area source. An area source is a source that is not a major source and is not collocated within a plant site with other sources that are individually or collectively a major source.

(6) A compliance certification indicating whether the source complied with all of the requirements of this subpart throughout the 12 operating months used for the initial source compliance determination. This certification must include a certification of the items in paragraphs (d)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section:

(i) The plan for demonstrating compliance (as described in § 63.2851) and SSM plan (as described in § 63.2852) are complete and available on-site for inspection.

(ii) You are following the procedures described in the plan for demonstrating compliance.

(iii) The compliance ratio is less than or equal to 1.00.

[66 FR 19011, Apr. 12, 2001, as amended at 85 FR 73904, Nov. 19, 2020]