40 CFR Appendix C to Part 282 - Appendix C to Part 282—Other State Provisions Not Incorporated by Reference in Part 282 of the Code of Federal Regulations

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Appendix C to Part 282—Other State Provisions Not Incorporated by Reference in Part 282 of the Code of Federal Regulations

The following statutory and regulatory provisions are “broader in scope” than the Federal program, are not part of the approved program, and are not incorporated by reference herein. These provisions are not federally enforceable.


(a) The statutory provisions include:

(1) RCW 70A.355, “Underground Storage Tanks”: Sections 020(4), 020(7), 020(8), 040(1), 040(3) and 080.

(2) RCW 70A.305, “Hazardous Waste Cleanup—Model Toxics Control Act” insofar as the provisions and procedures serve to implement the underground storage tank program.

(3) RCW 70A.325, “Underground Petroleum Tanks” insofar as the provisions and procedures serve to implement the underground storage tank program.

(4) RCW 70A.330, “Petroleum Storage Tank Systems Pollution Liability Protection Act” insofar as the provisions and procedures serve to implement the underground storage tank program.

(5) RCW 70A.345, “Underground Storage Tank Revolving Loan and Grant Program” insofar as the provisions and procedures serve to implement the underground storage tank program.

(6) RCW 82.23A, “Petroleum Products—Underground Storage Tank Program Funding” insofar as the provisions and procedures serve to implement the underground storage tank program.

(b) The regulatory provisions include:

(1) WAC 173-360A (July 18, 2018), “Underground Storage Tank Regulations,” Sections 0200, 0210, 0230(1), (7) and (8), 0240(5), 0530(1)(i)(A), 0530(1)(b)(i)(B), 0530(1)(b)(i)(C) and 0530(1)(b)(ii), 0740(1)(a), and 0900 through 0940.

[86 FR 57763, Oct. 19, 2021]