40 CFR Appendix Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60—Model Rule—Emission Limitations That Apply to Small, Remote Incinerators After May 20, 2011 [Date To Be Specified in State Plan] 1

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Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60—Model Rule—Emission Limitations That Apply to Small, Remote Incinerators After May 20, 2011 [Date To Be Specified in State Plan] 1
For the air pollutant You must meet this
emission limitation 2
Using this averaging time 3 And determining compliance using this method 3
Cadmium 0.95 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters per run) Performance test (Method 29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8).
Carbon monoxide 64 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (1 hour minimum sample time per run) Performance test (Method 10 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4).
Dioxins/furans (total mass basis) 4,400 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters per run) Performance test (Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7).
Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency basis) 180 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7).
Fugitive ash Visible emissions for no more than 5 percent of the hourly observation period Three 1-hour observation periods Visible emissions test (Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7).
Hydrogen chloride 300 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (For Method 26, collect a minimum volume of 120 liters per run. For Method 26A, collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter per run) Performance test (Method 26 or 26A at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8).
Lead 2.1 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8). Use ICPMS for the analytical finish.
Mercury 0.0053 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (For Method 29 and ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008), 3 collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters per run. For Method 30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in Method 30B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A) Performance test (Method 29 or 30B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8) or ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008). 4
Nitrogen oxides 190 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (for Method 7E, 1 hour minimum sample time per run) Performance test (Method 7 or 7E at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4).
Particulate matter (filterable) 270 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 5 or 29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 or appendix A-8).
Sulfur dioxide 150 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (for Method 6, collect a minimum of 20 liters per run; for Method 6C, 1 hour minimum sample time per run) Performance test (Method 6 or 6c at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4).

1 The date specified in the state plan can be no later than 3 years after the effective date of approval of a revised state plan or February 7, 2018.

2 All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.

3 In lieu of performance testing, you may use a CEMS or, for mercury, an integrated sorbent trap monitoring system, to demonstrate initial and continuing compliance with an emissions limit, as long as you comply with the CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system requirements applicable to the specific pollutant in §§ 60.2710 and 60.2730. As prescribed in § 60.2710(u), if you use a CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system to demonstrate compliance with an emissions limit, your averaging time is a 30-day rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations.

4 Incorporated by reference, see § 60.17.