40 CFR Appendix Table 9 to Part 455 - Table 9 to Part 455—Group 2 Mixtures

Table 9 to Part 455—Group 2 Mixtures
Shaughnessey code Chemical name 1
002201 Sabadilla alkaloids.
006501 Aromatic petroleum derivative solvent.
006602 Heavy aromatic naphtha.
016601 2 Dry ice.
022003 Coal tar.
025001 Coal tar neutral oils.
025003 Creosote oil (Note: Derived from any source).
025004 Coal tar creosote.
031801 Ammonium salts of C8-18 and C18′ fatty acids.
055601 BNOA.
063501 Kerosene.
063502 Mineral oil—includes paraffin oil from 063503.
063503 Petroleum distillate, oils, solvent, or hydrocarbons; also p.
063506 Mineral spirits.
067003 Terpineols (unspec.).
067205 Pine tar oil.
067207 Ester gum.
067302 Amines, N-coco alkyltrimethylenedi-, acetates.
069152 Amines, coco alkyl, hydrochlorides.
070801 Red Squill glycoside.
071004 Cube Resins other than rotenone.
071501 Ryania speciosa, powdered stems of.
072602 2 Silica gel.
072605 2 Silicon dioxide.
079014 Turkey red oil.
079021 Potassium salts of fatty acids.
079029 Fatty alcohols (52-61% C10, 39-46% C8, 0-3% C6, 0-3% C12).
079034 Methyl esters of fatty acids (100% C8-C12)
079059 Fatty alcohols (54.5% C10, 45.1% C8, 0.4% C6)
086803 Xylene range aromatic solvent
107302 Polyhedral inclusion bodies of Douglas fir tussock moth nucl.
107303 Polyhedral inclusion bodies of gypsy moth nucleopolyhedrosis.
107304 Polyhedral inclusion bodies of n. sertifer
116902 Gibberellin A4 mixt. with Gibberellin A7.
117001 Nosema locustae.
128888 Lactofen (ANSI).
128934 2 Nitrogen, liquid.
129029 Bergamot Oil.
224600 Diethanolamides of the fatty acids of coconut oil (coded 079).
505200 Isoparaffinic hydrocarbons.

1 Shaughnessey codes and chemical names are taken directly from the FATES database. Several chemical names are truncated because the chemical names listed in the FATES database are limited to 60 characters.

2 EPA does not believe this PAI will persist in sanitary streams long enough to reach a POTW.

[61 FR 57554, Nov. 6, 1996]