40 CFR Appendix Table 3 to Subpart FFF of Part 62 - Table 3 to Subpart FFF of Part 62—Municipal Waste Combustor Operating Requirements

Table 3 to Subpart FFF of Part 62—Municipal Waste Combustor Operating Requirements
Municipal waste combustor technology Carbon monoxide emissions level (parts per million by volume) a Averaging time (hrs) b
Mass burn waterwall 100 4
Mass burn refractory 100 4
Mass burn rotary refractory 100 24
Mass burn rotary waterwall 250 24
Modular starved air 50 4
Modular excess air 50 4
Refuse-derived fuel stoker 200 24
Fluidized bed, mixed fuel (wood/refuse-derived fuel) 200 c 24
Bubbling fluidized bed combustor 100 4
Circulating fluidized bed combustor 100 4
Pulverized coal/refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor 150 4
Spreader stoker coal/refuse-derived fuel mixed fuel-fired combustor 200 24

a Measured at the combustor outlet in conjunction with a measurement of oxygen concentration, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, dry basis. Calculated as an arithmetic average.

b Averaging times are 4-hour or 24-hour block averages.

c 24-hour block average, geometric mean.

[69 FR 42121, July 14, 2004]