40 CFR Subpart NN - Subpart NN—Pennsylvania

  1. Fluoride Emissions From Phosphate Fertilizer Plants (§ 62.9600)
    1. § 62.9600 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
  2. Sulfuric Acid Mist Emissions From Existing Sulfuric Acid Plants (§ 62.9601)
    1. § 62.9601 Identification of plan.
  3. Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions From Existing Kraft Pulp Mills (§§ 62.9610 - 62.9611)
    1. § 62.9610 Identification of plan—negative declaration
    2. § 62.9611 Identification of plan—Pennsylvania.
  4. Fluoride Emissions From Existing Primary Aluminum Plants (§ 62.9620)
    1. § 62.9620 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
  5. Metals, Acid Gases, Organic Compounds and Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Existing Municipal Waste Combustors With a Unit Capacity Greater Than 250 Tons Per Day (§§ 62.9640 - 62.9642)
    1. § 62.9640 Identification of plan.
    2. § 62.9641 Identification of sources.
    3. § 62.9642 Effective dates.
    Source: Sections 62.9640 through 62.9642 appear at 64 FR 45884, Aug. 23, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
  6. Emissions From Existing Municipal Waste Combustors With the Capacity To Burn Greater Than 250 Tons Per Day of Municipal Solid Waste (§§ 62.9643 - 62.9644)
    1. § 62.9643 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
    2. § 62.9644 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
    Source: Sections 62.9643 and 62.9644 appear at 65 FR 33467, May 24, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
  7. Emissions From Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units (§§ 62.9645 - 62.9646)
    1. § 62.9645 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
    2. § 62.9646 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
    Source: 68 FR 51, Jan. 2, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
  8. Emissions From Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units (§ 62.9647)
    1. § 62.9647 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
  9. Emissions From Existing Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWIs) (Section 111(d)/129 Plan) (§§ 62.9650 - 62.9652)
    1. § 62.9650 Identification of plan.
    2. § 62.9651 Identification of sources.
    3. § 62.9652 Effective date.
    Source: Sections 62.9650 through 62.9652 appear at 67 FR 22359, May 3, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
  10. Emissions From Existing Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWIs) (Section 111(d)/129 Plan) (§§ 62.9660 - 62.9663)
    1. § 62.9660 Identification of plan.
    2. § 62.9661 Identification of sources.
    3. § 62.9662 Effective date.
    4. § 62.9663 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
    Source: Sections 62.9660 through 62.9662 appear at 65 FR 18252, Apr. 7, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
  11. Emissions From Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units (§ 62.9665)
    1. § 62.9665 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
  12. Emissions From Existing Commercial/Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units (§ 62.9670)
    1. § 62.9670 Identification of plan—negative declaration.
  13. Emissions From Existing Commercial Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators (CISWI) Units—Section 111(d)/129 Federal Plan Delegations (§§ 62.9675 - 62.9682)
    1. § 62.9675 Identification of plan—delegation of authority.
    2. § 62.9676 Identification of sources.
    3. § 62.9677 Effective date of delegation.
    4. § 62.9680 Identification of plan—delegation of authority.
    5. § 62.9681 Identification of sources.
    6. § 62.9682 Effective date of delegation.
    Source: Sections 62.9675 through 62.9677 and 62.9680 through 62.9682 appear at 70 FR 10492, Mar. 4, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
  14. Air Emissions From Existing Sewage Sludge Incinerators (SSI)—Section 111(d)/129 Federal Plan Delegations (§ 62.9690)
    1. § 62.9690 Identification of plan-delegation of authority.