40 CFR Subpart B - Subpart B—Requirements for Control Technology Determinations for Major Sources in Accordance With Clean Air Act Sections, Sections 112(g) and 112(j)
- § 63.40 Applicability of §§ 63.40 through 63.44.
- § 63.41 Definitions.
- § 63.42 Program requirements governing construction or reconstruction of major sources.
- § 63.43 Maximum achievable control technology (MACT) determinations for constructed and reconstructed major sources.
- § 63.44 Requirements for constructed or reconstructed major sources subject to a subsequently promulgated MACT standard or MACT requirement.
- §§ 63.45-63.49 [Reserved]
- § 63.50 Applicability.
- § 63.51 Definitions.
- § 63.52 Approval process for new and existing affected sources.
- § 63.53 Application content for case-by-case MACT determinations.
- § 63.54 Preconstruction review procedures for new affected sources.
- § 63.55 Maximum achievable control technology (MACT) determinations for affected sources subject to case-by-case determination of equivalent emission limitations.
- § 63.56 Requirements for case-by-case determination of equivalent emission limitations after promulgation of subsequent MACT standard.
- Table 1 to Subpart B of Part 63—Section 112(j) Part 2 Application Due Dates
- Table 2 to Subpart B of Part 63—MON Source Categories
59 FR 26449, May 20, 1994, unless otherwise noted.