40 CFR Appendix Table 1 to Subpart MM of Part 63 - Table 1 to Subpart MM of Part 63—General Provisions Applicability to Subpart MM

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Table 1 to Subpart MM of Part 63—General Provisions Applicability to Subpart MM
General provisions
Summary of requirements Applies to
subpart MM
63.1(a)(1) General applicability of the General Provisions Yes Additional terms defined in § 63.861; when overlap between subparts A and MM of this part, subpart MM takes precedence.
63.1(a)(2)-(14) General applicability of the General Provisions Yes
63.1(b)(1) Initial applicability determination No Subpart MM specifies the applicability in § 63.860.
63.1(b)(2) Title V operating permit—see 40 CFR part 70 Yes All major affected sources are required to obtain a title V permit.
63.1(b)(3) Record of the applicability determination No All affected sources are subject to subpart MM according to the applicability definition of subpart MM.
63.1(c)(1) Applicability of subpart A of this part after a relevant standard has been set Yes Subpart MM clarifies the applicability of each paragraph of subpart A of this part to sources subject to subpart MM.
63.1(c)(2) Title V permit requirement Yes All major affected sources are required to obtain a title V permit. There are no area sources in the pulp and paper mill source category.
63.1(c)(3) [Reserved] No
63.1(c)(4) Requirements for existing source that obtains an extension of compliance Yes
63.1(c)(5) Notification requirements for an area source that increases HAP emissions to major source levels Yes
63.1(c)(6) Reclassification Yes
63.1(d) [Reserved] No
63.1(e) Applicability of permit program before a relevant standard has been set Yes
63.2 Definitions Yes Additional terms defined in § 63.861; when overlap between subparts A and MM of this part occurs, subpart MM takes precedence.
63.3 Units and abbreviations Yes
63.4 Prohibited activities and circumvention Yes
63.5(a) Construction and reconstruction—applicability Yes
63.5(b)(1) Upon construction, relevant standards for new sources Yes
63.5(b)(2) [Reserved] No
63.5(b)(3) New construction/reconstruction Yes
63.5(b)(4) Construction/reconstruction notification Yes
63.5(b)(5) Construction/reconstruction compliance Yes
63.5(b)(6) Equipment addition or process change Yes
63.5(c) [Reserved] No
63.5(d) Application for approval of construction/reconstruction Yes
63.5(e) Construction/reconstruction approval Yes
63.5(f) Construction/reconstruction approval based on prior State preconstruction review Yes
63.6(a)(1) Compliance with standards and maintenance requirements—applicability Yes
63.6(a)(2) Requirements for area source that increases emissions to become major Yes
63.6(b) Compliance dates for new and reconstructed sources Yes
63.6(c) Compliance dates for existing sources Yes, except for sources granted extensions under 63.863(c) Subpart MM specifically stipulates the compliance schedule for existing sources.
63.6(d) [Reserved] No
63.6(e)(1)(i) General duty to minimize emissions No See § 63.860(d) for general duty requirement.
63.6(e)(1)(ii) Requirement to correct malfunctions ASAP No
63.6(e)(1)(iii) Operation and maintenance requirements enforceable independent of emissions limitations Yes
63.6(e)(2) [Reserved] No
63.6(e)(3) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (SSMP) No
63.6(f)(1) Compliance with nonopacity emissions standards except during SSM No
63.6(f)(2)-(3) Methods for determining compliance with nonopacity emissions standards Yes
63.6(g) Compliance with alternative nonopacity emissions standards Yes
63.6(h)(1) Compliance with opacity and visible emissions (VE) standards except during SSM No
63.6(h)(2)-(9) Compliance with opacity and VE standards Yes Subpart MM does not contain any opacity or VE standards; however, § 63.864 specifies opacity monitoring requirements.
63.6(i) Extension of compliance with emissions standards Yes
63.6(j) Exemption from compliance with emissions standards Yes
63.7(a)(1) Performance testing requirements—applicability Yes
63.7(a)(2) Performance test dates Yes
63.7(a)(3) Performance test requests by Administrator under CAA section 114 Yes
63.7(a)(4) Notification of delay in performance testing due to force majeure Yes
63.7(b)(1) Notification of performance test Yes
63.7(b)(2) Notification of delay in conducting a scheduled performance test Yes
63.7(c) Quality assurance program Yes
63.7(d) Performance testing facilities Yes
63.7(e)(1) Conduct of performance tests No See § 63.865.
63.7(e)(2)-(3) Conduct of performance tests Yes
63.7(e)(4) Testing under section 114 Yes
63.7(f) Use of an alternative test method Yes
63.7(g) Data analysis, recordkeeping, and reporting Yes
63.7(h) Waiver of performance tests Yes § 63.865(c)(1) specifies the only exemption from performance testing allowed under subpart MM.
63.8(a)(1) Monitoring requirements—applicability Yes See § 63.864.
63.8(a)(2) Performance Specifications Yes
63.8(a)(3) [Reserved] No
63.8(a)(4) Monitoring with flares No The use of flares to meet the standards in subpart MM is not anticipated.
63.8(b)(1) Conduct of monitoring Yes See § 63.864.
63.8(b)(2)-(3) Specific requirements for installing and reporting on monitoring systems Yes
63.8(c)(1) Operation and maintenance of CMS Yes See § 63.864.
63.8(c)(1)(i) General duty to minimize emissions and CMS operation No
63.8(c)(1)(ii) Reporting requirements for SSM when action not described in SSMP Yes
63.8(c)(1)(iii) Requirement to develop SSM plan for CMS No
63.8(c)(2)-(3) Monitoring system installation Yes
63.8(c)(4) CMS requirements Yes
63.8(c)(5) Continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) minimum procedures Yes
63.8(c)(6) Zero and high level calibration check requirements Yes
63.8(c)(7)-(8) Out-of-control periods Yes
63.8(d)(1)-(2) CMS quality control program Yes See § 63.864.
63.8(d)(3) Written procedures for CMS No See § 63.864(f).
63.8(e)(1) Performance evaluation of CMS Yes
63.8(e)(2) Notification of performance evaluation Yes
63.8(e)(3) Submission of site-specific performance evaluation test plan Yes
63.8(e)(4) Conduct of performance evaluation and performance evaluation dates Yes
63.8(e)(5) Reporting performance evaluation results Yes
63.8(f) Use of an alternative monitoring method Yes
63.8(g) Reduction of monitoring data Yes
63.9(a) Notification requirements—applicability and general information Yes
63.9(b) Initial notifications Yes
63.9(c) Request for extension of compliance Yes
63.9(d) Notification that source subject to special compliance requirements Yes
63.9(e) Notification of performance test Yes
63.9(f) Notification of opacity and VE observations Yes Subpart MM does not contain any opacity or VE standards; however, § 63.864 specifies opacity monitoring requirements.
63.9(g)(1) Additional notification requirements for sources with CMS Yes
63.9(g)(2) Notification of compliance with opacity emissions standard Yes Subpart MM does not contain any opacity or VE emissions standards; however, § 63.864 specifies opacity monitoring requirements.
63.9(g)(3) Notification that criterion to continue use of alternative to relative accuracy testing has been exceeded Yes
63.9(h) Notification of compliance status Yes
63.9(i) Adjustment to time periods or postmark deadlines for submittal and review of required communications Yes
63.9(j) Change in information already provided Yes
63.9(k) Electronic reporting procedures Yes Only as specified in § 63.9(j).
63.10(a) Recordkeeping requirements—applicability and general information Yes See § 63.866.
63.10(b)(1) Records retention Yes
63.10(b)(2)(i) Recordkeeping of occurrence and duration of startups and shutdowns No
63.10(b)(2)(ii) Recordkeeping of failures to meet a standard No See § 63.866(d) for recordkeeping of (1) date, time and duration; (2) listing of affected source or equipment, and an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over the standard; and (3) actions to minimize emissions and correct the failure.
63.10(b)(2)(iii) Maintenance records Yes
63.10(b)(2)(iv)-(v) Actions taken to minimize emissions during SSM No
63.10(b)(2)(vi) Recordkeeping for CMS malfunctions Yes
63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(xiv) Other CMS requirements Yes
63.10(b)(3) Records retention for sources not subject to relevant standard Yes Applicability requirements are given in § 63.860.
63.10(c)(1)-(14) Additional recordkeeping requirements for sources with CMS Yes
63.10(c)(15) Use of SSM plan No
63.10(d)(1) General reporting requirements Yes
63.10(d)(2) Reporting results of performance tests Yes
63.10(d)(3) Reporting results of opacity or VE observations Yes Subpart MM does not include any opacity or VE standards; however, § 63.864 specifies opacity monitoring requirements.
63.10(d)(4) Progress reports Yes
63.10(d)(5)(i) Periodic startup, shutdown, and malfunction reports No See § 63.867(c)(3) for malfunction reporting requirements.
63.10(d)(5)(ii) Immediate startup, shutdown, and malfunction reports No See § 63.867(c)(3) for malfunction reporting requirements.
63.10(e)(1) Additional reporting requirements for sources with CMS—General Yes
63.10(e)(2) Reporting results of CMS performance evaluations Yes
63.10(e)(3)(i)-(iv) Requirement to submit excess emissions and CMS performance report and/or summary report and frequency of reporting No § 63.867(c)(1) and (3) require submittal of the excess emissions and CMS performance report and/or summary report on a semiannual basis.
63.10(e)(3)(v) General content and submittal dates for excess emissions and monitoring system performance reports Yes
63.10(e)(3)(vi) Specific summary report content No § 63.867(c)(1) specifies the summary report content.
63.10(e)(3)(vii)-(viii) Conditions for submitting summary report versus detailed excess emission report No § 63.867(c)(1) and (3) specify the conditions for submitting the summary report or detailed excess emissions and CMS performance report.
63.10(e)(4) Reporting continuous opacity monitoring system data produced during a performance test Yes
63.10(f) Waiver of recordkeeping and reporting requirements Yes
63.11 Control device requirements for flares No The use of flares to meet the standards in subpart MM is not anticipated.
63.12 State authority and delegations Yes
63.13 Addresses of State air pollution control agencies and EPA Regional Offices Yes
63.14 Incorporations by reference Yes
63.15 Availability of information and confidentiality Yes
63.16 Requirements for Performance Track member facilities Yes
[66 FR 3193, Jan. 12, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 16408, Mar. 26, 2001; 82 FR 47353, Oct. 11, 2017; 85 FR 73896, Nov. 19, 2020]