40 CFR Appendix Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63 - Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

As stated in § 63.1564(c)(1), you shall meet each requirement in the following table that applies to you.

For each new or existing catalytic cracking unit . . . If you use . . . For this operating limit . . . You shall demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
1. Subject to NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 and not electing § 60.100(e) Continuous opacity monitoring system The 3-hour average opacity of emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent must not exceed 20 percent Collecting the continuous opacity monitoring data for each regenerator vent according to § 63.1572 and maintain each 3-hour rolling average opacity of emissions no higher than 20 percent.
2. Subject to NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102a(b)(1); or 40 CFR 60.102 and elect § 60.100(e), electing to meet the PM per coke burn-off limit a. Continuous opacity monitoring system, used for site-specific opacity limit—Cyclone or electrostatic precipitator The average opacity must not exceed the opacity established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average opacity monitoring data according to § 63.1572; maintaining the 3-hr rolling average opacity at or above the site-specific limit established during the performance test.
b. Continuous parametric monitoring systems—electrostatic precipitator i. The average gas flow rate entering or exiting the control device must not exceed the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and daily average coke burn-off rate or average gas flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the daily average coke burn-off rate or average gas flow rate at or below the limit established during the performance test.
ii. The average total power and secondary current to the control device must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average total power and secondary current monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the 3-hr rolling average total power and secondary current at or above the limit established during the performance test.
c. Continuous parametric monitoring systems—wet scrubber i. The average liquid-to-gas ratio must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average gas flow rate and scrubber liquid flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.1572; determining and recording the 3-hr liquid-to-gas ratio; and maintaining the 3-hr rolling average liquid-to-gas ratio at or above the limit established during the performance test.
ii. Except for periods of startup, shutdown and hot standby, the average pressure drop across the scrubber must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average pressure drop monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and except for periods of startup, shutdown and hot standby, maintaining the 3-hr rolling average pressure drop at or above the limit established during the performance test.
d. BLD—fabric filter Increases in relative particulate Collecting and maintaining records of BLD system output; determining the cause of the alarm within 1 hour of the alarm; and alleviating the cause of the alarm within 3 hours by corrective action.
3. Subject to NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102a(b)(1), electing to meet the PM concentration limit PM CEMS Not applicable Complying with Table 6 of this subpart, item 4 or 5.
4. Option 1a: Elect NSPS subpart J requirements for PM per coke burn-off limit, not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1) Continuous opacity monitoring system The 3-hour average opacity of emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent must not exceed 20 percent Collecting the 3-hr rolling average continuous opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the 3-hr rolling average opacity no higher than 20 percent.
5. Option 1b: Elect NSPS subpart Ja requirements for PM per coke burn-off limit, not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1) a. Continuous opacity monitoring system The opacity of emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent must not exceed the site-specific opacity operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the 3-hr rolling average continuous opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.1572; maintaining the 3-hr rolling average opacity at or below the site-specific limit.
b. Continuous parametric monitoring systems—electrostatic precipitator See item 2.b of this table See item 2.b of this table.
c. Continuous parametric monitoring systems—wet scrubber See item 2.c of this table See item 2.c of this table.
d. BLD—fabric filter See item 2.d of this table See item 2.d of this table.
6. Option 1c: Elect NSPS subpart Ja requirements for PM concentration limit, not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1) PM CEMS Not applicable Complying with Table 6 of this subpart, item 4.
7. Option 2: PM per coke burn-off limit, not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1) a. Continuous opacity monitoring system The opacity of emissions from your catalyst regenerator vent must not exceed the site-specific opacity operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average continuous opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the 3-hr rolling average opacity at or below the site-specific limit established during the performance test. Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, collecting the hourly average continuous opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the hourly average opacity at or below the site-specific limit.
b. Continuous parameter monitoring systems—electrostatic precipitator i. The average coke burn-off rate or average gas flow rate entering or exiting the control device must not exceed the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and daily average coke burn-off rate or gas flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the daily coke burn-off rate or average gas flow rate at or below the limit established during the performance test.
ii. The average total power (voltage and current) and secondary current to the control device must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average total power and secondary current monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the 3-hr rolling average total power and secondary current at or above the limit established during the performance test. Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, collecting the hourly and daily average voltage and secondary current (or total power input) monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the daily average voltage and secondary current (or total power input) at or above the limit established during the performance test.
c. Continuous parameter monitoring systems—wet scrubber i. The average liquid-to-gas ratio must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average gas flow rate and scrubber liquid flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.1572; determining and recording the 3-hr liquid-to-gas ratio; and maintaining the 3-hr rolling average liquid-to-gas ratio at or above the limit established during the performance test. Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, collecting the hourly average gas flow rate and water (or scrubbing liquid) flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.1572 1; determining and recording the hourly average liquid-to-gas ratio; determining and recording the daily average liquid-to-gas ratio; and maintaining the daily average liquid-to-gas ratio above the limit established during the performance test.
ii. Except for periods of startup, shutdown and hot standby, the average pressure drop across the scrubber must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test Collecting the hourly and 3-hr rolling average pressure drop monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and except for periods of startup, shutdown and hot standby, maintaining the 3-hr rolling average pressure drop at or above the limit established during the performance test. Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, collecting the hourly and daily average pressure drop monitoring data according to § 63.1572; and maintaining the daily average pressure drop above the limit established during the performance test.
d. BLD—fabric filter See item 2.d of this table See item 2.d of this table.
8. Option 3: Ni lb/hr limit not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 a. Continuous opacity monitoring system i. The daily average Ni operating value must not exceed the site-specific Ni operating limit established during the performance test (1) Collecting the hourly average continuous opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.1572; determining and recording equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration at least once a week 2; collecting the hourly average gas flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.1572 1; and determining and recording the hourly average Ni operating value using Equation 11 of § 63.1564.
(2) Determining and recording the 3-hour rolling average Ni operating value and maintaining the 3-hour rolling average Ni operating value below the site-specific Ni operating limit established during the performance test. Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, determining and recording the daily average Ni operating value and maintaining the daily average Ni operating value below the site-specific Ni operating limit established during the performance test.
b. Continuous parameter monitoring systems—electrostatic precipitator i. The average gas flow rate entering or exiting the control device must not exceed the operating limit established during the performance test See item 7.b.i of this table.
ii. The average total power (voltage and current) and secondary current must not fall below the level established in the performance test See item 7.b.ii of this table.
iii. The monthly rolling average of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must not exceed the level established during the performance test Determining and recording the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration at least once a week 2; determining and recording the monthly rolling average of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration once each week using the weekly or most recent value; and maintaining the monthly rolling average below the limit established in the performance test.
c. Continuous parameter monitoring systems—wet scrubber i. The average liquid-to-gas ratio must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test. See item 7.c.i of this table.
ii. Except for periods of startup, shutdown and hot standby, the average pressure drop must not fall below the operating limit established in the performance test See item 7.c.ii of this table.
iii. The monthly rolling average equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must not exceed the level established during the performance test Determining and recording the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration at least once a week 2; determining and recording the monthly rolling average of equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration once each week using the weekly or most recent value; and maintaining the monthly rolling average below the limit established in the performance test.
d. BLD—fabric filter i. Increases in relative particulate See item 7.d of this table.
ii. The monthly rolling average of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must not exceed the level established during the performance test Determining and recording the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration at least once a week 2; determining and recording the monthly rolling average of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration once each week using the weekly or most recent value; and maintaining the monthly rolling average below the limit established in the performance test.
9. Option 4: Ni per coke burn-off limit not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 a. Continuous opacity monitoring system i. The daily average Ni operating value must not exceed the site-specific Ni operating limit established during the performance test (1) Collecting the hourly average continuous opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.1572; collecting the hourly average coke burn rate and hourly average gas flow rate monitoring data according to § 63.15721; determining and recording equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration at least once a week 2; and determining and recording the hourly average Ni operating value using Equation 12 of § 63.1564.
(2) Determining and recording the 3-hour rolling average Ni operating value and maintaining the 3-hour rolling average Ni operating value below the site-specific Ni operating limit established during the performance test Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, determining and recording the daily average Ni operating value and maintaining the daily average Ni operating value below the site-specific Ni operating limit established during the performance test.
b. Continuous parameter monitoring systems—electrostatic precipitator i. The average gas flow rate to the control device must not exceed the level established in the performance test See item 7.b.i of this table.
ii. The average voltage and secondary current (or total power input) must not fall below the level established in the performance test See item 7.b.ii of this table.
iii. The monthly rolling average equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must not exceed the level established during the performance test See item 8.b.iii of this table.
c. Continuous parameter monitoring systems—wet scrubber i. The average liquid-to-gas ratio must not fall below the operating limit established during the performance test See item 7.c.i of this table.
ii. Except for periods of startup, shutdown and hot standby, the daily average pressure drop must not fall below the operating limit established in the performance test See item 7.c.ii of this table.
iii. The monthly rolling average equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must not exceed the level established during the performance test See item 8.c.iii of this table.
d. BLD—fabric filter i. See item 2.d of this table See item 2.d of this table.
ii. The monthly rolling average of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must not exceed the level established during the performance test Determining and recording the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration at least once a week 2; determining and recording the monthly rolling average of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration once each week using the weekly or most recent value; and maintaining the monthly rolling average below the limit established in the performance test.
10. During periods of startup, shutdown, or hot standby Any control device, if elected The inlet velocity limit to the primary internal cyclones of the catalytic cracking unit catalyst regenerator in § 63.1564(a)(5)(ii) Meeting the requirements in § 63.1564(c)(5).

1 If applicable, you can use the alternative in § 63.1573(a)(1) for gas flow rate instead of a continuous parameter monitoring system if you used the alternative method in the initial performance test.

2 The equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration must be measured by the procedure, Determination of Metal Concentration on Catalyst Particles (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) in appendix A to this subpart; or by EPA Method 6010B, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, EPA Method 6020, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry, EPA Method 7520, Nickel Atomic Absorption, Direct Aspiration, or EPA Method 7521, Nickel Atomic Absorption, Direct Aspiration; or by an alternative to EPA Method 6010B, 6020, 7520, or 7521 satisfactory to the Administrator. The EPA Methods 6010B, 6020, 7520, and 7521 are included in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” EPA Publication SW-846, Revision 5 (April 1998). The SW-846 and Updates (document number 955-001-00000-1) are available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC 20402, (202) 512-1800; and from the National Technical Information Services (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 487-4650. Copies may be inspected at the EPA Docket Center, William Jefferson Clinton (WJC) West Building (Air Docket), Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC. These methods are also available at http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/test/main.htm.

[80 FR 75293, Dec. 1, 2015]