1. § 86.1 Incorporation by reference.
  2. Subpart A—General Provisions for Heavy-Duty Engines and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (§§ 86.000-2 - 86.099-11)
  3. Subpart B—Emission Regulations for 1977 and Later Model Year New Light-Duty Vehicles and New Light-Duty Trucks and New Otto-Cycle Complete Heavy-Duty Vehicles; Test Procedures (§§ 86.101 - 86.166-12)
  4. Subpart C—Emission Regulations for 1994 and Later Model Year Gasoline-Fueled New Light-Duty Vehicles, New Light-Duty Trucks and New Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles; Cold Temperature Test Procedures (§§ 86.201 - 86.213)
  5. Subpart D [Reserved]
  6. Subpart E—Emission Regulations for 1978 and Later New Motorcycles, General Provisions (§§ 86.401-2006 - 86.450)
  7. Subpart F—Emission Regulations for 1978 and Later New Motorcycles; Test Procedures (§§ 86.501-78 - 86.545-86.599)
  8. Subpart G—Selective Enforcement Auditing of New Light-Duty Vehicles, Light-Duty Trucks, and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (§§ 86.601-1--86.601-83 - 86.615-84)
  9. Subpart H-I [Reserved]
  10. Subpart J—Fees for the Motor Vehicle and Engine Compliance Program (§ 86.901)
  11. Subpart K—Selective Enforcement Auditing of New Heavy-Duty Engines (§ 86.1001)
  12. Subpart L—Nonconformance Penalties for Gasoline-Fueled and Diesel Heavy-Duty Engines and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Including Light-Duty Trucks (§§ 86.1101-87 - 86.1117)
  13. Subpart M [Reserved]
  14. Subpart N—Exhaust Test Procedures for Heavy-duty Engines (§§ 86.1301 - 86.1372)
  15. Subparts O-R [Reserved]
  16. Subpart S—General Compliance Provisions for Control of Air Pollution From New and In-Use Light-Duty Vehicles, Light-Duty Trucks, and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (§§ 86.1801-12 - 86.1870-12)
  17. Subpart T—Manufacturer-Run In-Use Testing Program for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines (§§ 86.1901 - 86.1930)
  18. §§ 86.1931-86.1999 [Reserved]
  19. Appendix I to Part 86—Dynamometer Schedules
  20. Appendix II to Part 86—Temperature Schedules
  21. Appendix III to Part 86—Constant Volume Sampler Flow Calibration
  22. Appendix IV to Part 86—Durability Driving Schedules
  23. Appendix V to Part 86—The Standard Road Cycle (SRC)
  24. Appendix VI to Part 86—Vehicle and Engine Components
  25. Appendix VII to Part 86—Standard Bench Cycle (SBC)
  26. Appendix VIII to Part 86—Aging Bench Equipment and Procedures
  27. Appendix IX to Part 86—Experimentally Determining the R-Factor for Bench Aging Durability Procedures
  28. Appendix X to Part 86—Sampling Plans for Selective Enforcement Auditing of Heavy-Duty Engines and Light-Duty Trucks
  29. Appendix XI to Part 86—Sampling Plans for Selective Enforcement Auditing of Light-Duty Vehicles
  30. Appendix XII to Part 86—Tables for Production Compliance Auditing of Heavy-Duty Engines and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Including Light-Duty Trucks
42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
Editorial Note:
Nomenclature changes to part 86 appear at 60 FR 34377, June 30, 1995 and 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004.