41 CFR § 101-26.103-1 - Policy for personal property.

§ 101-26.103-1 Policy for personal property.

To obtain maximum benefit from Government funds available for procurement of personal property, each executive agency shall:

(a) Insure that personal property currently on hand is being utilized to the fullest extent practical and provide supporting justification prior to effecting new procurement for similar type property. (When the proposed procurement is for similar items from non-GSA sources, the provisions of § 101-26.100-2 apply.)

(b) Procure the minimum quantity and quality of property which is required to support the mission of the agency and to satisfy the function for which the property is required.

(c) Limit procurement of different varieties, types, sizes, colors, etc., of required items to those essential in satisfying the functional end-use purpose. To this end the quantity, quality, and variety of personal property required to adequately perform the end-use function should be determined prior to initiation of procurement processes.

[36 FR 17423, Aug. 31, 1971]