41 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Conduct on Federal Property

  1. Applicability (§ 102-74.365)
    1. § 102-74.365 To whom does this subpart apply?
  2. Soliciting, Vending and Debt Collection (§ 102-74.410)
    1. § 102-74.410 What is the policy concerning soliciting, vending and debt collection?
  3. Posting and Distributing Materials (§ 102-74.415)
    1. § 102-74.415 What is the policy for posting and distributing materials?
  4. Photographs for News, Advertising or Commercial Purposes (§ 102-74.420)
    1. § 102-74.420 What is the policy concerning photographs for news, advertising or commercial purposes?