42 CFR § 401.128 - Where requests for records may be made.
(a) General. Any request for any record may be made to—
(1) Any CMS component;
(2) Director, Office of Public Affairs, CMS 313-H, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, Washington, DC 20201; or
(3) Director of Public Affairs in any Regional Office of the Department of Health and Human Services.
(b) Records pertaining to individuals. CMS maintains some records pertaining to individuals. Disclosure of such records is generally prohibited by section 1106 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1306), except as prescribed in § 401.105 (See also § 401.126(b)). Requests for records pertaining to individuals may be addressed to:
(c) Requests for materials listed in § 401.130 or § 401.132 or indexed in the CMS Rulings. A request to inspect and copy materials listed in § 401.130 or § 401.132 or indexed in CMS Rulings may be made to any district or branch office of the Social Security Administration. If the specific material requested is not available in the office receiving the request, the material will be obtained and made available promptly.