42 CFR Subpart J - Subpart J—Procedures and Beneficiary Rights for Expedited Determinations and Reconsiderations When Coverage is Changed or Terminated
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- § 405.1200 Notifying beneficiaries of provider service terminations.
- § 405.1202 Expedited determination procedures.
- § 405.1204 Expedited reconsiderations.
- § 405.1205 Notifying beneficiaries of hospital discharge appeal rights.
- § 405.1206 Expedited determination procedures for inpatient hospital care.
- § 405.1208 Hospital requests expedited QIO review.
- § 405.1210 Notifying eligible beneficiaries of appeal rights when a beneficiary is reclassified from an inpatient to an outpatient receiving observation services.
- § 405.1211 Expedited determination procedures when a beneficiary is reclassified from an inpatient to an outpatient receiving observation services.
- § 405.1212 Expedited reconsideration procedures regarding Part A coverage when a beneficiary is reclassified from an inpatient to an outpatient receiving observation services.
69 FR 69264, Nov. 26, 2004, unless otherwise noted.