42 CFR Subpart H - Subpart H—Participation in Proficiency Testing for Laboratories Performing Nonwaived Testing
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- § 493.801 Condition: Enrollment and testing of samples.
- § 493.803 Condition: Successful participation.
- § 493.807 Condition: Reinstatement of laboratories performing nonwaived testing.
Proficiency Testing by Specialty and Subspecialty for Laboratories Performing Tests of Moderate Complexity (Including the Subcategory), High Complexity, or Any Combination of These Tests (§§ 493.821 - 493.865)
- § 493.821 Condition: Microbiology.
- § 493.823 Standard; Bacteriology.
- § 493.825 Standard; Mycobacteriology.
- § 493.827 Standard; Mycology.
- § 493.829 Standard; Parasitology.
- § 493.831 Standard; Virology.
- § 493.833 Condition: Diagnostic immunology.
- § 493.835 Standard; Syphilis serology.
- § 493.837 Standard; General immunology.
- § 493.839 Condition: Chemistry.
- § 493.841 Standard; Routine chemistry.
- § 493.843 Standard; Endocrinology.
- § 493.845 Standard; Toxicology.
- § 493.849 Condition: Hematology.
- § 493.851 Standard; Hematology.
- § 493.853 Condition: Pathology.
- § 493.855 Standard; Cytology: gynecologic examinations.
- § 493.857 Condition: Immunohematology.
- § 493.859 Standard; ABO group and D (Rho) typing.
- § 493.861 Standard; Unexpected antibody detection.
- § 493.863 Standard; Compatibility testing.
- § 493.865 Standard; Antibody identification.
57 FR 7146, Feb. 28, 1992, unless otherwise noted.