43 CFR § 3822.1 - Subject to mining location.

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§ 3822.1 Subject to mining location.

Lands segregated for classification or sold under the Alaska Public Sale Act of August 30, 1949 (63 Stat. 679, 48 U.S.C. 364a-364e) are subject to mining location, under the provision of section 3 of that Act for the development of the reserved minerals under applicable law, including the United States mining laws, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior necessary to provide protection and compensation for damages from mining activities to the surface and improvements thereon. Such mining locations are subject to the applicable general regulations in Group 3800 and to the additional conditions and requirements in § 2771.6-2 of this chapter.

[35 FR 9746, June 13, 1970]