44 CFR Subpart D - Subpart D—Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households
- § 206.101 Temporary housing assistance for emergencies and major disasters declared on or before October 14, 2002.
- §§ 206.102-206.109 [Reserved]
- § 206.110 Federal assistance to individuals and households.
- § 206.111 Definitions.
- § 206.112 Registration period.
- § 206.113 Eligibility factors.
- § 206.114 Criteria for continued assistance.
- § 206.115 Appeals.
- § 206.116 Recovery of funds.
- § 206.117 Housing assistance.
- § 206.118 Disposal of housing units.
- § 206.119 Financial assistance to address other needs.
- § 206.120 State administration of other needs assistance.
- §§ 206.121-206.130 [Reserved]