45 CFR § 96.30 - Fiscal and administrative requirements.
(a) Fiscal control and accounting procedures. Except where otherwise required by Federal law or regulation, a State shall obligate and expend block grant funds in accordance with the laws and procedures applicable to the obligation and expenditure of its own funds. Fiscal control and accounting procedures must be sufficient to (a) permit preparation of reports required by the statute authorizing the block grant and (b) permit the tracing of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to establish that such funds have not been used in violation of the restrictions and prohibitions of the statute authorizing the block grant.
(b) Financial summary of obligation and expenditure of block grant funds—(1) Block grants containing time limits on both the obligation and the expenditure of funds. After the close of each statutory period for the obligation of block grant funds and after the close of each statutory period for the expenditure of block grant funds, each grantee shall report to the Department:
(i) Total funds obligated and total funds expended by the grantee during the applicable statutory periods; and
(ii) The date of the last obligation and the date of the last expenditure.
(2) Block grants containing time limits only on obligation of funds. After the close of each statutory period for the obligation of block grant funds, each grantee shall report to the Department:
(i) Total funds obligated by the grantee during the applicable statutory period; and
(ii) The date of the last obligation.
(3) Block grants containing time limits only on expenditure of funds. After the close of each statutory period for the expenditure of block grant funds, each grantee shall report to the Department:
(i) Total funds expended by the grantee during the statutory period; and
(ii) The date of the last expenditure.
(4) Submission of information. Grantees shall submit the information required by paragraph (b)(1), (2), and (3) of this section on OMB Standard Form 269A, Financial Status Report (short form). Grantees are to provide the requested information within 90 days of the close of the applicable statutory grant periods.