47 CFR § 1.733 - Status conference.
(a) In any complaint proceeding, the Commission may, in its discretion, direct the attorneys and/or the parties to appear before it for a status conference. A status conference may include discussion of:
(1) Simplification or narrowing of the issues;
(2) The necessity for or desirability of additional pleadings or evidentiary submissions;
(3) Obtaining admissions of fact or stipulations between the parties as to any or all of the matters in controversy;
(4) Settlement of all or some of the matters in controversy by agreement of the parties;
(5) Whether discovery is necessary and, if so, the scope, type, and schedule for such discovery;
(6) The schedule for the remainder of the case and the dates for any further status conferences; and
(7) Such other matters that may aid in the disposition of the complaint.
(1) Parties shall meet and confer prior to the initial status conference to discuss:
(i) Settlement prospects;
(ii) Discovery;
(iii) Issues in dispute;
(iv) Schedules for pleadings;
(v) Joint statement of stipulated facts, disputed facts, and key legal issues; and
(2) Parties shall submit a joint statement of all proposals agreed to and disputes remaining as a result of such meeting to Commission staff on a date specified by the Commission.
(c) In addition to the initial status conference referenced in paragraph (a) of this section, any party may also request that a conference be held at any time after the complaint has been filed.
(d) During a status conference, the Commission staff may issue oral rulings pertaining to a variety of matters relevant to the conduct of a formal complaint proceeding including, inter alia, procedural matters, discovery, and the submission of briefs or other evidentiary materials.
(e) Status conferences will be scheduled by the Commission staff at such time and place as it may designate to be conducted in person or by telephone conference call.
(f) The failure of any attorney or party, following reasonable notice, to appear at a scheduled conference will be deemed a waiver by that party and will not preclude the Commission staff from conferring with those parties or counsel present.