47 CFR § 90.1321 - Power and antenna limits.
(a) Base and fixed stations are limited to 25 watts/25 MHz equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP). In any event, the peak EIRP power density shall not exceed 1 Watt in any one-megahertz slice of spectrum.
(b) In addition to the provisions in paragraph (a) of this section, transmitters operating in the 3650-3700 MHz band that emit multiple directional beams, simultaneously or sequentially, for the purpose of directing signals to individual receivers or to groups of receivers provided the emissions comply with the following:
(1) Different information must be transmitted to each receiver.
(2) If the transmitter employs an antenna system that emits multiple directional beams but does not emit multiple directional beams simultaneously, the total output power conducted to the array or arrays that comprise the device, i.e., the sum of the power supplied to all antennas, antenna elements, staves, etc. and summed across all carriers or frequency channels, shall not exceed the limit specified in paragraph (a) of this section, as applicable. The directional antenna gain shall be computed as follows:
(i) The directional gain, in dBi, shall be calculated as the sum of 10 log (number of array elements or staves) plus the directional gain, in dBi, of the individual element or stave having the highest gain.
(ii) A lower value for the directional gain than that calculated in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section will be accepted if sufficient evidence is presented, e.g., due to shading of the array or coherence loss in the beam-forming.
(3) If a transmitter employs an antenna that operates simultaneously on multiple directional beams using the same or different frequency channels and if transmitted beams overlap, the power shall be reduced to ensure that the aggregate power from the overlapping beams does not exceed the limit specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. In addition, the aggregate power transmitted simultaneously on all beams shall not exceed the limit specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section by more than 8 dB.
(4) Transmitters that emit a single directional beam shall operate under the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(c) Mobile and portable stations are limited to 1 watt/25 MHz EIRP. In any event, the peak EIRP density shall not exceed 40 milliwatts in any one-megahertz slice of spectrum.