47 CFR Subpart H - Subpart H—Ex Parte Communications

  1. General (§§ 1.1200 - 1.1202)
    1. § 1.1200 Introduction.
    2. § 1.1202 Definitions.
  2. Sunshine Period Prohibition (§ 1.1203)
    1. § 1.1203 Sunshine period prohibition.
  3. Non-Restricted Proceedings (§ 1.1206)
    1. § 1.1206 Permit-but-disclose proceedings.
  4. Restricted Proceedings (§ 1.1208)
    1. § 1.1208 Restricted proceedings.
  5. Prohibition on Solicitation of Presentations (§ 1.1210)
    1. § 1.1210 Prohibition on solicitation of presentations.
  6. Sanctions (§ 1.1216)
    1. § 1.1216 Sanctions.
52 FR 21052, June 4, 1987, unless otherwise noted.