48 CFR § 752.231-72 - Conference planning and required approval

752.231-72 Conference planning and required approval

As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR 731.205-43(d), insert the following clause in section H of all USAID-funded solicitations and contracts anticipated to include a requirement for a USAID-funded conference.

Conference Planning and Required Approval (Jul 2023)

(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

Conference means a seminar, meeting, retreat, symposium, workshop, training activity or other such event that is funded in whole or in part by USAID.

Net conference expense means the total conference expenses excluding: any fees or revenue received by the Agency through the conference, costs to ensure the safety of attending governmental officials, and salary of USAID employees and USAID personal services contractors.

Personal Services Contractor (PSC) means any individual who is awarded a personal services contract in accordance with AIDAR appendix D or J of this chapter.

Temporary duty (TDY) travel means official travel at least fifty (50) miles from both the traveler's home and duty station for a period exceeding twelve (12) hours.

USAID employee means a USAID direct-hire employee or a direct-hire Federal employee from another U.S. government agency detailed to USAID.

(b) Prior approval. Unless an exception in paragraph (c) applies, the Contractor must obtain prior written approval from the Contracting Officer at least 30 days prior to committing costs, for the following:

(1) A conference funded in whole or in part by USAID when ten (10) or more USAID employees or Personal Services Contractors are required to travel on temporary duty status to attend the conference; or

(2) A conference funded in whole or in part by USAID and attended by USAID employees or USAID Personal Services Contractors, when the net conference expense funded by USAID is expected to exceed $100,000, regardless of the number of USAID participants.

(c) Exceptions. Prior USAID approval is not required for the following:

(1) Co-creation conferences to facilitate the design of programs or procurements.

(2) Events funded and scheduled by the Center for Professional Development within the USAID Office of Human Capital and Talent Management.

(3) A single course presented by an instructor conducted at a U.S. Government training facility (including the Washington Learning Center or other USAID training facilities), a commercial training facility, or other venue if a U.S. Government training facility is not available.

(4) Conferences conducted at a U.S. Government facility or other venue not paid directly or indirectly by USAID, when travel of USAID employees or USAID Personal Services Contractors, light refreshments and, if applicable, costs associated with participation of the Contractor's staff are the only direct costs associated with the event.

(d) Allowability of cost. Costs associated with a conference that meet the criteria above, incurred without USAID prior written approval, are unallowable.

(e) Post-award. Conferences approved at the time of award will be incorporated into the contract. The Contractor must submit subsequent requests for approval of conferences on a case-by-case basis, or requests for multiple conferences may be submitted at one time.

(f) Documentation. Requests for approval of a conference that meets the criteria in paragraphs (b) of this clause must include:

(1) A brief summary of the proposed event;

(2) A justification for the conference and alternatives considered, e.g., teleconferencing and video-conferencing;

(3) The estimated budget by line item (e.g., travel and per diem, venue, facilitators, meals, equipment, printing, access fees, ground transportation);

(4) A list of USAID employees or PSCs attending and a justification for each, and the number of other USAID-funded participants (e.g., Contractor personnel);

(5) A cost comparison for at least three potential venues (including a U.S. Government owned or leased facility) and a justification if the lowest cost facility is not selected;

(6) If meals will be provided to local USAID employees or PSCs (a local employee would not be in travel status), a statement on whether the meals are a necessary expense to support the conference objectives; and

(7) A statement signed by an employee of the Contractor with authority to bind the Contractor, confirming that strict fiscal responsibility has been exercised in making decisions regarding conference expenditures, the proposed costs are comprehensive and represent the greatest cost advantage to the U.S. Government, and that the proposed conference representation has been limited to the minimum number necessary to support the conference objectives.

(End of clause)
[88 FR 39193, June 15, 2023]