48 CFR Subpart 37.1 - Subpart 37.1—Service Contracts—General
- 37.101 Definitions.
- 37.102 Policy.
- 37.103 Contracting officer responsibility.
- 37.104 Personal services contracts.
- 37.105 Competition in service contracting.
- 37.106 Funding and term of service contracts.
- 37.107 Service Contract Labor Standards.
- 37.108 Small business Certificate of Competency.
- 37.109 Services of quasi-military armed forces.
- 37.110 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
- 37.111 Extension of services.
- 37.112 Government use of private sector temporaries.
- 37.113 Severance payments to foreign nationals.
- 37.113-1 Waiver of cost allowability limitations.
- 37.113-2 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
- 37.114 Special acquisition requirements.
- 37.115 Uncompensated overtime.
- 37.115-1 Scope.
- 37.115-2 General policy.
- 37.115-3 Solicitation provision.