49 CFR Subpart G - Subpart G—Definitions

  1. § 236.700 Definitions.
  2. § 236.701 Application, brake; full service.
  3. § 236.702 Arm, semaphore.
  4. § 236.703 Aspect.
  5. § 236.704 [Reserved]
  6. § 236.705 Bar, locking.
  7. § 236.706 Bed, locking.
  8. § 236.707 Blade, semaphore.
  9. § 236.708 Block.
  10. § 236.709 Block, absolute.
  11. § 236.710 Block, latch.
  12. § 236.711 Bond, rail joint.
  13. § 236.712 Brake pipe.
  14. § 236.713 Bridge, movable.
  15. § 236.714 Cab.
  16. §§ 236.715-236.716 [Reserved]
  17. § 236.717 Characteristics, operating.
  18. § 236.718 Chart, dog.
  19. § 236.719 Circuit, acknowledgment.
  20. § 236.720 Circuit, common return.
  21. § 236.721 Circuit, control.
  22. § 236.722 Circuit, cut-in.
  23. § 236.723 Circuit, double wire; line.
  24. § 236.724 Circuit, shunt fouling.
  25. § 236.725 Circuit, switch shunting.
  26. § 236.726 Circuit, track.
  27. § 236.727 Circuit, track; coded.
  28. § 236.728 Circuit, trap.
  29. § 236.729 Cock, double heading.
  30. § 236.730 Coil, receiver.
  31. § 236.731 Controller, circuit.
  32. § 236.732 Controller, circuit; switch.
  33. § 236.733 Current, foreign.
  34. § 236.734 Current of traffic.
  35. § 236.735 Current, leakage.
  36. § 236.736 Cut-section.
  37. § 236.737 Cut-section, relayed.
  38. § 236.738 Detector, point.
  39. § 236.739 Device, acknowledging.
  40. § 236.740 Device, reset.
  41. § 236.741 Distance, stopping.
  42. § 236.742 Dog, locking.
  43. § 236.743 Dog, swing.
  44. § 236.744 Element, roadway.
  45. § 236.745 Face, locking.
  46. § 236.746 Feature, restoring.
  47. § 236.747 Forestall.
  48. § 236.748 [Reserved]
  49. § 236.749 Indication.
  50. § 236.750 Interlocking, automatic.
  51. § 236.751 Interlocking, manual.
  52. § 236.752 Joint, rail, insulated.
  53. § 236.753 Limits, interlocking.
  54. § 236.754 Line, open wire.
  55. § 236.755 Link, rocker.
  56. § 236.756 Lock, bolt.
  57. § 236.757 Lock, electric.
  58. § 236.758 Lock, electric, forced drop.
  59. § 236.759 Lock, facing point.
  60. § 236.760 Locking, approach.
  61. § 236.761 Locking, electric.
  62. § 236.762 Locking, indication.
  63. § 236.763 Locking, latch operated.
  64. § 236.764 Locking, lever operated.
  65. § 236.765 Locking, mechanical.
  66. § 236.766 Locking, movable bridge.
  67. § 236.767 Locking, route.
  68. § 236.768 Locking, time.
  69. § 236.769 Locking, traffic.
  70. § 236.770 Locomotive.
  71. § 236.771 Machine, control.
  72. § 236.772 Machine, interlocking.
  73. § 236.773 Movements, conflicting.
  74. § 236.774 Movement, facing.
  75. § 236.775 Movement, switch-and-lock.
  76. § 236.776 Movement, trailing.
  77. § 236.777 Operator, control.
  78. § 236.778 Piece, driving.
  79. § 236.779 Plate, top.
  80. § 236.780 Plunger, facing point lock.
  81. § 236.781 [Reserved]
  82. § 236.782 Point, controlled.
  83. § 236.783 Point, stop-indication.
  84. § 236.784 Position, deenergized.
  85. § 236.785 Position, false restrictive.
  86. § 236.786 Principle, closed circuit.
  87. § 236.787 Protection, cross.
  88. § 236.787a Railroad.
  89. § 236.788 Receiver.
  90. § 236.789 Relay, timing.
  91. § 236.790 Release, time.
  92. § 236.791 Release, value.
  93. § 236.792 Reservoir, equalizing.
  94. § 236.793 Rod, lock.
  95. § 236.794 Rod, up-and-down.
  96. § 236.795 Route.
  97. § 236.796 Routes, conflicting.
  98. § 236.797 Route, interlocked.
  99. § 236.798 Section, dead.
  100. § 236.799 Section, fouling.
  101. § 236.800 Sheet, locking.
  102. § 236.801 Shoe, latch.
  103. § 236.802 Shunt.
  104. § 236.802a Siding.
  105. § 236.803 Signal, approach.
  106. § 236.804 Signal, block.
  107. § 236.805 Signal, cab.
  108. § 236.806 Signal, home.
  109. § 236.807 Signal, interlocking.
  110. § 236.808 Signals, opposing.
  111. § 236.809 Signal, slotted mechanical.
  112. § 236.810 Spectacle, semaphore arm.
  113. § 236.811 Speed, medium.
  114. § 236.812 Speed, restricted.
  115. § 236.813 Speed, slow.
  116. § 236.813a State, most restrictive.
  117. § 236.814 Station, control.
  118. § 236.815 Stop.
  119. § 236.816 Superiority of trains.
  120. § 236.817 Switch, electro-pneumatic.
  121. § 236.818 Switch, facing point.
  122. § 236.819 Switch, hand operated.
  123. § 236.820 Switch, interlocked.
  124. § 236.820a Switch, power-operated.
  125. § 236.821 Switch, sectionalizing.
  126. § 236.822 Switch, spring.
  127. § 236.823 Switch, trailing point.
  128. § 236.824 System, automatic block signal.
  129. § 236.825 System, automatic train control.
  130. § 236.826 System, automatic train stop.
  131. § 236.827 System, block signal.
  132. § 236.828 System, traffic control.
  133. § 236.829 Terminal, initial.
  134. § 236.830 Time, acknowledging.
  135. § 236.831 Time, delay.
  136. § 236.831a Track, main.
  137. § 236.832 Train.
  138. § 236.833 Train, opposing.
  139. § 236.834 Trip.
  140. § 236.835 Trunking.
  141. § 236.836 Trunnion.
  142. § 236.837 Valve, electro-pneumatic.
  143. § 236.838 Wire, shunt.