49 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Final Offer Process
- § 29.200 What is covered by this subpart?
- § 29.201 In what circumstances should a Tribe submit a final offer?
- § 29.202 How does a Tribe submit a final offer?
- § 29.203 What must a final offer contain?
- § 29.204 How many days does the Department have to respond to a final offer?
- § 29.205 How does the Department acknowledge receipt of a final offer?
- § 29.206 May the Department request and obtain an extension of time of the 45-day review period?
- § 29.207 What happens if the Department takes no action within the 45-day review period (or any extensions thereof)?
- § 29.208 What happens once the Department accepts the Tribe's final offer or the final offer is accepted by operation of law?
Rejection of Final Offers (§§ 29.209 - 29.213)
- § 29.209 On what basis may the Department reject a Tribe's final offer?
- § 29.210 How does the Department reject a final offer?
- § 29.211 Is technical assistance available to a Tribe to overcome rejection of a final offer?
- § 29.212 May a Tribe appeal the rejection of a final offer?
- § 29.213 If a Tribe appeals a final offer, do the remaining provisions of the compact, funding agreement, or amendment not in dispute go into effect?