7 CFR § 1416.302 - Definitions.

§ 1416.302 Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this subpart. The definitions in parts 718 of this title and 1400 of this chapter also apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section.

Acceptable animal husbandry means animals raised and cared for to produce offspring, meat, fiber, milk, eggs, or other products. Includes day-to-day care and selective breeding and raising of livestock. The practices are those that are generally recognized by the commercial livestock industry.

Actual livestock beginning inventory means the actual livestock beginning inventory per calendar year for unweaned livestock that is calculated from the verifiable or reliable records of death, birthing, docking, inventory, and sales.

Adjusted livestock beginning inventory means the LBIH for unweaned livestock that will be adjusted during the base period for years for which continuous actual LBIH records are not provided.

Adult beef bull means a male beef breed bovine animal that was at least 2 years old and used for breeding purposes.

Adult beef cow means a female beef breed bovine animal that had delivered one or more offspring. A first-time bred beef heifer is also considered an adult beef cow if it was pregnant at the time it died or was sold at a reduced price.

Adult beefalo bull means a male hybrid of beef and bison that was at least 2 years old and used for breeding purposes.

Adult beefalo cow means a female hybrid of beef and bison that had delivered one or more offspring before dying or being injured and sold at a reduced price. A first-time bred beefalo heifer is also considered an adult beefalo cow if it is pregnant at the time it died or was sold at a reduced price.

Adult buffalo or bison bull means a male animal of those breeds that was at least 2 years old and used for breeding purposes.

Adult buffalo or bison cow means a female animal of those breeds that had delivered one or more offspring before it died or was injured and sold at a reduced price. A first-time bred buffalo or bison heifer is also considered an adult buffalo or bison cow if it was pregnant at the time it died or was sold at a reduced price.

Adult dairy bull means a male dairy breed bovine animal at least 2 years old used primarily for breeding dairy cows.

Adult dairy cow means a female bovine dairy breed animal used for the purpose of providing milk for human consumption that had delivered one or more offspring. A first-time bred dairy heifer is also considered an adult dairy cow if it was pregnant at the time it died or was injured and sold at a reduced price.

Agricultural operation means a farming operation.

Application means the “Livestock Indemnity Program” form.

Approved livestock beginning inventory means the approved livestock beginning inventory for unweaned livestock, calculated by the sum of the yearly actual and transitional LBIH divided by the number of years of LBIH.

Base period means the five consecutive calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year of the LIP application for which the approved livestock beginning inventory is being established for the unweaned livestock.

Blizzard means, as defined by the National Weather Service, a storm which contains large amounts of snow or blowing snow with winds in excess of 35 miles per hour and visibility of less than one-fourth of a mile for an extended period of time.

Buck means a male goat.

Commercial use means used in the operation of a business activity engaged in as a means of livelihood for profit.

Continuous livestock beginning inventory reports means livestock beginning inventory reports submitted by a producer for each calendar year that the producer was involved in the unweaned livestock

Contract means, with respect to contracts for the handling of livestock, a written agreement between a livestock owner and another individual or entity setting the specific terms, conditions, and obligations of the parties involved regarding the production of livestock or livestock products.

Cow, Ewe, Nanny LBIH means, the applicable calendar year cow, ewe, or nanny verifiable livestock beginning inventory records provided to FSA by the unweaned livestock operation to be used in calculating the transitional LBIH.

Eligible adverse weather event means extreme and abnormal damaging weather in the calendar year for which benefits are being requested that is not expected to occur during the loss period for which it occurred, which directly results in eligible livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality or injury and sale of livestock at a reduced price. Eligible adverse weather events include, but are not limited to, as determined by the Deputy Administrator or designee, earthquake; hail; lightning; tornado; tropical storm; typhoon; vog if directly related to a volcanic eruption; winter storm if the winter storm meets the definition provided in this section; hurricanes; floods; blizzards; wildfires; extreme heat; extreme cold; and straight-line wind. Drought is not an eligible adverse weather event except when associated with anthrax, a condition that occurs because of drought and results in the death of eligible livestock.

Eligible attack means an attack by animals reintroduced into the wild by the Federal government or protected by Federal law, including wolves and avian predators, that directly results in the death of eligible livestock in excess of normal mortality or injury and sale of eligible livestock at reduced price. Eligible livestock owners or contract growers are responsible for showing to FSA's satisfaction that eligible attacks are substantiated according to § 1416.305 in order to be considered eligible for payment.

Eligible disease means a disease that, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, is exacerbated by an eligible adverse weather event that directly results in the death of eligible livestock in excess of normal mortality, including, but not limited to anthrax, cyanobacteria, and larkspur poisoning, or a disease that is caused or transmitted by a vector and cannot be controlled by vaccination or acceptable management practices. Eligible diseases are not an eligible cause of loss for benefits based on injury and sales of eligible livestock at reduced price.

Eligible loss condition means any of the following that occur in the calendar year for which benefits are requested: Eligible adverse weather event, eligible attack, and eligible disease. Eligible disease is not an eligible loss condition for injured livestock.

Equine animal means a domesticated horse, mule, or donkey.

Ewe means a female sheep.

Farming operation means a business enterprise engaged in producing agricultural products.

FSA means the Farm Service Agency.

Goat means a domesticated, ruminant mammal of the genus Capra, including Angora goats. Goats are further defined by sex (bucks and nannies) and age (kids).

Kid means a goat less than 1 year old.

Lamb means a sheep less than 1 year old.

Livestock beginning inventory history (LBIH) means a minimum of four, up to a maximum of five, calendar years of actual and transitional beginning inventory records used to calculate the approved livestock beginning inventory history for a livestock operation.

LBIH reporting date means the LBIH reporting date for which the reports will be accepted for inclusion in the base period for the current calendar year.

Livestock inventory report means a written record showing the producer's annual inventory used to determine the LBIH for LIP purposes for the livestock operation. The report contains LBIH by livestock operation by livestock type or kind.

Livestock owner means one having legal ownership of the livestock for which benefits are being requested on the day such livestock died or were sold at a reduced sale price.

Livestock unit means all eligible livestock in the physical location county where the livestock losses occurred for the program year:

(1) In which a person or legal entity has 100 percent share interest; or

(2) Which is owned individually by more than one person or legal entity on a shared basis.

Nanny means a female goat.

Newborn livestock means livestock that are within 10 calendar days of date of birth.

Non-adult beef cattle means a beef breed bovine animal that does not meet the definition of adult beef cow or bull. Non-adult beef cattle are further delineated by weight categories of either less than 400 pounds or 400 pounds or more at the time they died or were sold at a reduced price.

Non-adult beefalo means a hybrid of beef and bison that does not meet the definition of adult beefalo cow or bull. Non-adult beefalo are further delineated by weight categories of either less than 400 pounds or 400 pounds or more at the time they died or were sold at a reduced price.

Non-adult buffalo or bison means an animal of those breeds that does not meet the definition of adult buffalo or bison cow or bull. Non-adult buffalo or bison are further delineated by weight categories of either less than 400 pounds or 400 pounds or more at the time they died or were sold at a reduced price.

Non-adult dairy cattle means a dairy breed bovine animal, of a breed used for the purpose of providing milk for human consumption, that do not meet the definition of adult dairy cow or bull. Non-adult dairy cattle are further delineated by weight categories of either less than 400 pounds or 400 pounds or more at the time they died or were sold at a reduced price.

Normal mortality means the numerical amount, computed by a percentage, as established for the area by the FSA State Committee, of expected livestock deaths, by category, that normally occur during a calendar year for a producer.

Poultry means domesticated chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. Poultry are further delineated by sex, age, and purpose of production as determined by FSA.

Ram means a male sheep.

Sheep means a domesticated, ruminant mammal of the genus Ovis. Sheep are further defined by sex (rams and ewes) and age (lambs) for purposes of dividing into categories for loss calculations.

State office or county office means the respective FSA office.

Swine means a domesticated omnivorous pig, hog, or boar. Swine for purposes of dividing into categories for loss calculations are further delineated by sex and weight as determined by FSA.

Transitional LBIH for unweaned livestock means an estimated LBIH, generally determined by multiplying the livestock operation's beginning cow, ewe, or nanny LBIH by the national established birthing rate percentage established by FSA for the species of unweaned livestock. The Deputy Administrator has the authority to make adjustments for variations in stocking levels for livestock during the period covered by the history as necessary. It is to be used in the transitional LBIH calculation process when less than 4 consecutive calendar years of actual LBIH is available.

Unweaned livestock means an animal not weaned from mother's milk or milk replacement to other nourishment. For LIP purposes, unweaned livestock does not include turkeys, ducks, chickens, and geese.

Winter storm means, for an eligible adverse weather event, an event that so severe as to directly cause injury to livestock and lasts in duration for at least 3 consecutive days and includes a combination of high winds, freezing rain or sleet, heavy snowfall, and extremely cold temperatures. For a determination of winter storm, the wind, precipitation, and extremely cold temperatures must occur with the 3-day period, with wind and extremely cold temperatures occurring in each of the 3 days.

[79 FR 21097, Apr. 14, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 49468, Oct. 2, 2018; 85 FR 10966, Feb. 26, 2020]
Editorial Note:
At 85 FR 10966, Feb. 26, 2020, § 1416.302 was amended in the definition “eligible adverse weather” however, the amendment to remove the last three sentences could not be incorporated due to inaccurate amendatory instruction.