7 CFR § 1424.8 - Payment amounts.
(a) An eligible producer may be paid the amount specified in this section, subject to the availability of funds. Total available funds shall be as determined appropriate by CCC and shall not exceed $150 million in any of FY's 2003 through 2006.
(b) For agreements submitted during an FY sign-up, applicants must project increases in production. Based on expected commodity prices, using the formula set out in this section, submissions will be assigned an expected payment value. When the payment value of all timely submitted and validly executed agreements exceed available funding, CCC may, at its discretion, prorate payments to be made under such agreements based on total available funding.
(c) When the payment value of all timely submitted applications exceed available funding, CCC will prorate payments based on total available funding.
(d) Subject to this section and conditions in the agreement, a producer's payment eligibility shall be adjusted at the end of each quarter, and calculated as follows:
(1) Gross payable units, calculated and determined in accordance with § 1424.7, shall be converted to net payable units for producers whose annual bioenergy production is:
(i) Less than 65 million gallons, by dividing by 2.5;
(ii) Equal to or more than 65 million gallons, by dividing by 3.5;
(2) Net payable units calculated under paragraph (d)(1) of this section shall then be converted to a gross payment by multiplying net payable units by the per-unit value of the commodity as of the 10th business day before the start of the production quarter, determined as follows:
(i) For ethanol:
(A) For those agricultural commodities with an established Posted County Price, CCC will use the Posted County Price that CCC announces daily for the county in which the plant is located and applicable quality factors as CCC may establish.
(B) For agricultural commodities that CCC determines do not have Posted County Prices, CCC will use market data CCC determines to be appropriate for the applicable commodity.
(ii) For biodiesel made from:
(A) Soybeans or soy oil, CCC will use the Posted County Price for soybeans for the county where the plant is located.
(B) Eligible commodities other than soybeans or soy oil that have a corresponding oil or grease market price, CCC will first use the soybeans Posted County Price for Macon County, Illinois. Then, the applicable feedstock's oil or yellow grease (for animal fats and oils) market price, as determined by CCC, will be divided by the soy oil price published in the Agricultural Marketing Service's weekly “Soybean Crush Report” (Central Illinois (Decatur, Macon County, Illinois)) for the applicable date. The resulting percentage will be multiplied by the soybean gross payment to determine the producer's gross payment.
(C) Eligible commodities that do not have a corresponding oil or grease market price, in a manner as determined by CCC.
(3) The gross payment calculated under paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall be reduced to a net payment by multiplying the gross payment figure by the proration factor determined under paragraph (c) of this section.
(4) Subject to other provisions of this section, producers shall be paid the net current payment, if positive, determined for the quarter, subject to the requirements and refund provisions of this part.
(5) After the first quarter, adjustments shall be made based on changes in production. Refunds, when due, shall be due at the per unit values at which they were paid.
(6) For an FY, no producer may receive more than 5 percent of the available funding for this program.
(e) When the commodity's conversion factor has been established, that factor will, as practicable, be posted on the program's website.
(1) If the commodity's conversion factor is not determined when the sign-up is announced, the conversion factor will be provided in a letter to producers with accepted agreements to the extent practicable.
(2) After FY 2003, changes to established conversion factors shall be announced in a press release issued by CCC 90 calendar days before the applicable FY's sign-up, to the extent practicable.