7 CFR § 1927.51 - General.
(a) Types of loans covered by this subpart. This subpart sets forth the authorities, policies, and procedures for real estate title clearance and closing of loans, assumptions, voluntary conveyances and credit sales in connection with the following types of Rural Housing Service (RHS), Rural Housing (RH), Farm Labor Housing (LH), Rural Rental Housing (RRH), Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH), and NonProgram (NP) loans. This subpart does not apply to guaranteed loans. This subpart is inapplicable to Farm Service Agency, Farm Loan Programs.
(b) Programs not covered by this subpart. Title clearance and closing for all other types of agency loans and assumptions will be handled as provided in the applicable program instructions or as provided in special authorizations from the National Office.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) Copies of all agency forms referenced in this regulation and the agency's internal administrative procedures for title clearance and loan closing are available upon request from the agency's State Office. Forms and title clearance and loan closing requirements which are specific for any individual state must be obtained from the agency State Office for that state.