8 CFR § 334.2 - Application for naturalization.

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§ 334.2 Application for naturalization.

(a) An applicant may file an application for naturalization with required initial evidence in accordance with the general form instructions for naturalization. The applicant must include the fee as required in 8 CFR 106.2.

(b) An application for naturalization may be filed up to 90 days prior to the completion of the required period of residence, which may include the three-month period of residence required to establish jurisdiction under section 316(a) or 319(a) of the Act.

[56 FR 50496, Oct. 7, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 48780, Sept. 20, 1993; 66 FR 32147, June 13, 2001; 76 FR 53801, Aug. 29, 2011; 85 FR 46929, Aug. 3, 2020]