Ala. Admin. Code r. 290-1-1-.04 - Meetings Of State Board Of Education
Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, the following are policies and procedures by which the business of the Alabama Board shall be conducted:
(1) Regular meetings of the
Board shall be held at a time and on a date set by the Board. Such meetings
shall be open to the public and shall be for the purpose of transacting those
items of business within the power and jurisdiction of the Board in the
governance of public schools in Alabama. The presiding officer for each meeting
shall be the President, and in his or her absence, the vice president. In the
absence of both the president and the vice president, the president pro tem
shall preside.
(2) An agenda shall
be prepared by the Superintendent which shall include items he or she selects
and items requested by members of the Board.
(3) Other than requests from Board members,
requests for items to be placed on the agenda, including resolutions, shall be
filed (together with a copy of any proposed resolution or other pertinent
information items) with the Superintendent at least fourteen (14) calendar days
prior to the scheduled meeting. Before each meeting, the Superintendent shall
send to the Board the agenda, together with resolutions and other agenda items,
and with appropriate comments and/or recommendations, for receipt seven (7)
days prior to the date and time of the scheduled meeting of the
(4) A quorum shall be
required for the transaction of business. A majority of the total Board
membership shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present, the meeting
shall be adjourned to be reconvened at the call of the president or vice
president of the Board or the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
There shall be no representation of any member by proxy.
(5) An official act of the Board shall
require a motion and second, and an affirmative vote of the majority of the
members present. A motion may be amended by motion to amend with a second and
affirmative vote of the majority of the members present. Once amended, a motion
must be voted upon in its amended form only. No motion or amendment shall be
voted upon without a period of discussion, the length of which shall be in the
discretion of the presiding officer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a motion to
lay on the table, once made and seconded, shall be decided immediately without
discussion. Voting on all matters shall be by a show of hands. All abstaining
or recusing member shall so state.
(6) In matters of procedure not covered by
State statute, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all
meetings of the Board. The Department's legal counsel shall serve as
parliamentarian for all meetings.
(7) Resolutions and other items of business
not included in the agenda distributed by the Superintend prior to the meeting
must have two-thirds majority consent of the Board members present to be
(8) The following shall
be the general order of business at all regular meetings of the Board:
I. Call
to order
II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to
the United States Flag
Roll call and establishment of a quorum
Approval of the agenda
Approval of the minutes of previous meetings
Public hearings
VII. Action Items
1. Unfinished Business
2. New Business
VIII. Executive (includes Legal and Public
IX. Superintendent's report
X. Announce date, time and place of next
regular meeting
(9) Members of the public may speak or
address the Board during the public hearing portion of the meeting only. Any
member of the public desiring to speak or address the Board must register
written notice of intent to speak prior to the beginning of the public hearing
portion of the meeting. The order of speakers shall be determined by the order
of sign up by issue, and the presiding officer shall rule out of order any
person who attempts to speak to matters not then before the Board or who act in
an inappropriate manner. Proper decorum shall be followed by all persons
attending Board meetings. All speakers shall address the Board from the podium
and shall first identify themselves and who they represent. All speakers shall
have a maximum of two (2) minutes, unless the Board votes to allow a longer
(10) Special meetings of the
Board may be called as provided by State law.
(11) The Board shall have two board retreats
each calendar year. One board retreat shall be held before April 1 and the
other board retreat shall be held after the annual board meeting. One board
retreat would be to review priorities for the year. The second board retreat
would be held to assess the status of the accomplishment of those
(12) The presiding
officer of the Board may call the Board into executive session which shall be
attended only by the members of the Board, the Superintendent, and those
individuals named by the presiding officer. Such sessions shall be used only
for those purposes permitted by State law.
(13) Special ad hoc or temporary committees
of the Board as deemed advisable may be appointed by the presiding officer. The
presiding officer of the Board shall serve as ex officio member of all
committees appointed.
(14) The
secretary and executive officer of the Board, or a designee, shall record the
proceedings of each meeting.
The secretary and executive officer of the Board shall keep the official
minutes of the meetings of the Board, transcribe these into writing, and submit
the minutes for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Board. The
minutes, when approved, of each meeting of the Board shall be the official and
controlling record of the meeting.
Author: Richard W. Meadows
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, ยงยง13-5-1; 16-3-2; 16-3-7; 16-3-12; 16-3-13.
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