Ala. Admin. Code r. 550-X-3-.02 - Awarding of Loans

(a) Loans shall be made contingent upon the applicant's agreement in writing to practice in a rural area in a generalist specialty as determined by the Board.
(b) Board Members shall have the privilege of examining all applications and any other pertinent information provided by the applicant or others.
(c) After examining all applications and other pertinent information, each Board member present at the selection meeting shall rate each candidate from one to ten, with one being the lowest priority and ten being the highest. Loan recipients will be selected based upon the highest average scores of such priority ratings.
(d) Each recipient of a loan shall sign a legal agreement setting forth the terms of the loan and the method of repayment. A copy of such loan agreement is set forth in Appendix B.

Author: Wayne P. Turner


Ala. Admin. Code r. 550-X-3-.02
Filed September 28, 1982. Repealed and New Rule: Filed October 13, 1994; effective November 17, 1994. Repealed and New Rule: Filed May 16, 2006; effective June 20, 2006.

Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, ยงยง 16-47-121 et seq.; 41-22-1 et seq.

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