12 AAC 12.990 - Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise,

(1) "aggrieved person" means a person against whom the department takes action under AS 43.70.075;
(2) "business day" means a day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a state holiday;
(3) "commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development;
(4) "department" means the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development;
(5) "independent contractor" means a person who provides goods or services for compensation but does not have the status of an employee while providing those goods or services;
(6) "line of business" has the meaning given in AS 43.70.110;
(7) "motion" means any written request of the commissioner or hearing officer seeking a ruling on an issue in a case;
(8) "telephonically" means by telephone or video teleconferencing, as available.
(9) "cigarette" has the meaning given in 43.50.170;
(10) "endorsement" means authorization on the business license issued in accordance with AS 43.70.020 and 43.70.075, to sell tobacco products, electronic smoking products, or products containing nicotine;
(11) "tobacco product" has the meaning given in AS 43.50.390.


12 AAC 12.990
Eff. 11/4/98, Register 148; am 6/27/2004, Register 170; am 3/26/2015, Register 213, April 2015; am 1/1/2019, Register 228, January 2019

As of Register 171 (October 2004), the regulations attorney made technical revisions under AS 44.62.125(b)(6) to reflect the name change of the Department of Community and Economic Development to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development made by ch. 47, SLA 2004 and the corresponding title change of the commissioner of community and economic development.

Authority:AS 08.01.080

AS 43.70.075

AS 43.70.090

AS 43.70.105

AS 43.70.110

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