2 AAC 50.708 - Reporting business interests and investments

(a) In a disclosure statement required under AS 24.60.200 or AS 39.50.020, a legislative branch filer, public official, or candidate shall report the information required in AS 39.50.030(b)(2) and this section for each business in which the legislative branch filer, public official, candidate, or family member held an interest or an option to purchase in the reporting period. A business interest includes a nonprofit entity if the legislative branch filer, public official, candidate, or family member is an employee, officer, or member of the governing board of the nonprofit entity.
(b) For each business interest reported, the disclosure statement must identify
(1) the nature of the interest of the legislative filer, public official, candidate, or family member, including stockholder, owner, officer, director, partner, proprietor, member, employee, or similar interest by any other name; and
(2) the category of income in 2 AAC 50.685(a) in which any income or benefit received from the business is reported.
(c) A legislative branch filer, public official, or candidate who owns stock investments other than trust and beneficial interests as provided in 2 AAC 50.712, and who directly and individually selects the investments, shall report each owned company by name and address. A legislative branch filer, public official, or candidate who owns stock investments selected and managed by an investment manager, financial services company, or other third party, or held in an investment fund, shall report the name and address of each investment manager, financial services company, or other third party, and shall report the name and type of any investment fund held. This subsection does not require reporting of an interest of less than $1,000 in the stock of a publicly traded corporation.


2 AAC 50.708
Eff. 12/22/2011, Register 200

Authority:AS 15.13.030

AS 24.60.200

AS 24.60.220

AS 39.50.020

AS 39.50.030

AS 39.50.050

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