17 AAC 99.010 - Double-fine zone signs for highway work zones

(a) Authorization to erect, maintain, and remove the double-fine zone signs described in this section is made to the following in the following manner:
(1) authorized employees of the department;
(2) contractors of the department, unless the commissioner or the commissioner's designee determines in writing that the authorization is not appropriate given the nature of the work; the authorization expires at the completion of the work;
(3) municipalities, if the municipality authorizes an employee or contractor in writing and the authorization expires at the completion of the associated work.
(b) At the beginning of a designated double-fine zone, the authorized person or municipality shall erect a double-fine zone sign with the words "WORK ZONE" at the top in four inch letters on an orange background, followed by the word "BEGIN" in six inch letters on a white background, and followed by the words "DOUBLE", "TRAFFIC", and "FINES" on separate lines in five inch letters on a white background. The sign must be 48 inches high, 36 inches wide, and have the five lines of text described in this subsection.
(c) At the end of a double-fine zone, the authorized person or municipality shall erect a double-fine zone sign with the word "END" at the top in six inch letters, followed by "DOUBLE", "TRAFFIC", and "FINES" on separate lines in five inch letters. The sign must be 42 inches high, 36 inches wide, and have the four lines of text on a white background.
(d) At each major intersection within a double-fine zone, the authorized person or municipality shall erect and maintain additional signs alerting entering motorists of the double-fine zone.
(e) The double-fine zone signs described in this section must have black lettering and retro-reflective sheeting. The lettering must be of a style commonly associated with official highway signs authorized by the department.
(f) The authorized person or municipality shall remove the double-fine zone signs promptly after
(1) the authorization granted under this section expires; or
(2) the work is completed that was the basis of the authorization.
(g) In this section, unless the context requires otherwise,
(1) "department" means the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;
(2) "highway" has the meaning given in AS 19.59.001;
(3) "highway work zone" has the meaning given in AS 28.40.100;
(4) "municipality" has the meaning given in AS 19.59.001;
(5) "work" means road construction, repair, or maintenance work involving workers and machinery on or adjacent to a highway.


17 AAC 99.010
Eff. 7/1/99, Register 150

As of Register 188 (January 2009), the regulations attorney made a technical revision under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), to the definitions of "highway" and "municipality" in 17 AAC 99.010(g), to reflect the 2008 renumbering of former AS 19.45.001 by the revisor of statutes. The provisions of former AS 19.45.001 were relocated to AS 19.59.001.

Authority:AS 19.05.020

AS 19.05.040

AS 28.40.070

AS 44.42.030

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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