4 AAC 33.240 - Grant agreement

(a) Disbursement of grant money awarded under 4 AAC 33.200 - 4 AAC 33.290 will not be made unless the applicant and the district execute a grant agreement with the department.
(b) The grant agreement will
(1) set out a disbursement schedule that the department determines is reasonable for the grant project;
(2) require that the district pay the grant money to the applicant according to the disbursement schedule;
(3) provide that the applicant will use the grant award solely for the purposes set out in the grant proposal; and
(4) establish other conditions on the applicant or the district that the department determines will enhance the effectiveness of the project.
(c) The grantee shall maintain and provide at the department's request all reports, documents, and other information required under the grant agreement for the term of the grant agreement and, for audit purposes, three years after the grant terminates.
(d) The department may withhold payment to a district for failure to comply with the grant agreement. After consultation with the department, a district may withhold payment to a grantee for the grantee's failure to comply with the grant agreement. A district shall return to the department any grant money withheld from a grantee based on the grantee's failure to comply with the grant agreement.


4 AAC 33.240
Eff. 10/1/93, Register 127

Authority:AS 14.03.125

AS 14.07.020

AS 14.07.060

AS 14.07.165(2)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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